I didnt read the article yet, but I will comment on some of the replies already made.
As for flatheads feeing in schools.. I know they do in some areas, there is no other explanation. I am known for shorefishing and I am not running and gunning, and I am never alone. The *usual group* is about 4 people… Now, when you start fishng at 7:30 and the 1st run comes at 9:00.. that is not substancial, but when a series of runs, often simutaniously(sp?) happen at 10:00, or several runs within 15 minutes.. how can I think that the fish are not schooling? That is way too much of a coincdence when it happens on a regular basis.
Many of the areas I fish are not the feeding area, they are transition areas or the *fish highways* between the daytime holes and the feeding areas.
The average size of flatheads.. its probably in the teens somewhere overall. There are some areas that the average fish is as large as 30 pounds(and you would be really surprised to know where
), but other areas a person is hard pressed to see a 20# fish, and once in 10 years a 30# fish shows up.
This only supports Brians theory of the largest fish being in the best of feeding areas. Whether these fish move far on a daily basis, I tend to think they do. For example, the spot I know with the numbers of large fish is not very deep(12′) with an inlet that pumps in warm water. The entire river channel is roughly the same depth with very little structure, and heavy traffic. There are very substancial holes and structure in both directions.. but a good 1/3-1/2 mile away. The deep holes and good structure a distance away are very good fishing areas, but there are assorted sizes of fish, with the majority being caught this year being in the low teens or smaller, with one fish that hit the 30# mark.
What am I getting at here? I am really not sure to be honest, but it is a piece of the puzzle and if we can figure it out we would be more successful more often. The *big* fish do not stay on the structure all day, they dissapear and there is nowhere to go for quite some distance. The main river channel is not very deep and barges are running it all day.. I cant believe the fish are sitting out there when the barge drafts 9′ and the river is only 12′ deep. The shorline is all moderately deep, but why would they retreat to other areas of the shoreline and move away from the prime feeding area that is sheltered?