Help on the mississippi

  • tloranger
    Rosemount, Mn
    Posts: 26

    Just wanted some advice if you are willing PLEASE! I want to fish the mississippi for the first time and don’t where to start. I’m thinking p2 or p3 but don’t know what launches are open all night if you could help that would be great! Could you give ANY idea of what to look for when fishing Flatheads PLEASE! Do you fish timber or holes? Main channel or side channels? Any advice would be great!!! Thanks for your time!!!


    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Hi CatNip. I’ve been launching at Watergate Marina. They have a great ramp without current. $10 to launch, and you can pull out anytime of the night you want.

    Other options are Lillydale, Hidden Falls park, and 494. (This is Pool 2 right)?

    Here is a link to the Miss river guide. Look at the maps for info on places to lauch your boat.

    Other than that, do a good search on this forum about catfishing and you will learn alot!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I’d read the past catfish reports in the Fishing report section here, look back at recent post in the catfish forum, and if you can, I would consider hiring a guide like Brian Klawitter to help you.

    The past catfish reports give enough detail to get you started, including the type of strutcure fished.

    Rosemount, Mn
    Posts: 26

    Thanks for the info that will help!

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