Skunked again last night…

  • fisher sherry
    Posts: 487

    Dave, Tyler, and I spent last night on the river bank with the infamous Bob Moore. We had a great time. We took the grill along and Dave grilled us up some yummy food. Good company. Good conversation. Lots of bugs.
    How was the fishing you ask? Well, at the end of the night, lets just say some of us got skunked…



    and #3

    Its not that we didn’t try! We all 3 ended up with a run or two, but struck out. Bob even switched to cutbait to try to get in on the fun Tyler was having, to no avail. I guess it was just Tyler’s night! I think he’s getting warmed up for the Catfish Tournament next weekend!! Is there an age limit for that???

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Age limit??

    Not that I’m aware of..I’ll check though.

    Great job Fisher Tyler! Show the ol’man how to catch fish!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Well… one of us had a good fish on last night and managed to lose it before ever getting site of it… I wonder who that woman might have been

    It was a strange bite last night.. no bites other than a channel or 2 on the cut bait until about 9:30. At that time we had 3 runs in 5 minutes.. then nothing but a channel or two until 11 when we left.

    Whoever said flatheads dont school up is just… WRONG.

    fisher sherry
    Posts: 487

    Yeah. I don’t know who that woman might have been, Dave.

    Thanks, Brian. I mean, I realize that most 5 year old kids don’t have their own Glow Stick with an Okuma reel… Cat Eyes… and a wardrobe of “fishing hats”. But come on.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    I realize that most 5 year old kids don’t have their own Glow Stick with an Okuma reel… Cat Eyes… and a wardrobe of “fishing hats”. But come on.

    Cant tell thats my son she is talking about?

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    Yeah. I don’t know who that woman might have been, Dave.

    Thanks, Brian. I mean, I realize that most 5 year old kids don’t have their own Glow Stick with an Okuma reel… Cat Eyes… and a wardrobe of “fishing hats”. But come on.

    And this is what’s wrong with America.

    Moores Bait
    Posts: 328

    Sherry, you are to kind. It was my pleasure to be out with you three the other night. Even though I had to sit thru a fishing clinic from a five year old (congrats on those three channels Tyler) We all had our chances but tough to react to a bite when your stting down with your feet up or have a plate full of warm brauts (sp?) in your hand. Or as Larry Flatcaster can atest, when you have the other rod in your hand, another story…….. Look forward to doing it again soon, and to be honest I don’t mind you taging along.ha ha …….

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