In making an annual tour of fishing spots yesterday…I’m very saddened to report that the spring of ’06 high water has taken it’s toll on our beloved and famous Cottenwood tree.
The fallen tree that is was growing on is still there…a little beat up, but still there none the less.
For those of you that have heard about this icon of the fishing world but have never had the opportunity to see it, it was a glorious tree that was made famous about a year ago in the catfish forum. Many people have asked to see the fabled tree and were quite surprise when tours of the area placed them right next to it…but they couldn’t see it…because they were looking for a big, glorious river bank tree.
Most people thought it was a huge tree sitting alone along shore calling folks from hundreds of miles around to fish under it. The truth is, our cottenwood was maybe 3 feet high growing out of what looked like a 8 inch mostly submerged stump. It looked more like Linus’s Christmas tree in the Charlie Brown story than anything else.
Old Man River has no mercy.