Dating Question

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I had and interesting question come up tonight. I thought the IDA catfishing family…or any IDA’er could help with.

    When a single guy meets a possible…Miss Right, should you take her out catten on the 1,2,3,4,or 5th date?

    What better way than to have an IDA poll!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Spoken like a true “little fish” guy…

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    MR. Briank-

    I was trying to think of something funny to say, but I can’t.

    Posts: 1957

    1st. date!! At least that way ya know what ya got!! If she doesn’t enjoy it, take her to the landing and send her on her way. On the other hand, if she loves it, hang on tight! Worked for me!


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I wont vote to the pole on this one. There is no right answer. If she is into fishing.. thats one thing. If she is not, there better be some type of action going on or she will never go fishing again, and will likely drag you away from fishing more often than desired.

    She may never come back again after being surrounded by a bunch of scuzzy cat guys

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037


    scuzzy cat guys

    Hey Brian..
    Somebody said something funny for me…

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Take her out and get her dirty, get her all mussed up, heck it might be the most fun she ever had! Maybe a change of clothes at the boat ramp before she gets in your truck would show her you really do care ( about your truck seats)so she don’t have to ride back all slimey and fishy smelling, either way least you can do is offer to help clean her up a little. If she likes cattin , keep her,you got a good one! If she don’t like cattin, well at least you tried, is there something else she’d like to fish for? If she is really cute, tell her she can ride along when you go during the day and you’ll put the wormy on the hooky thing for her, or she don’t have to fish at all, just wear that new swimsuit she got and work on her tan ( in my boat I call it the bikini law )improves the view in the boat too. If the fish’n thing don’t work, maybe resort to dinner and a couple movies. Grumpy old men and Grumpier old men would be good…both have fish’n and a little romance !

    Maybe we could start a sub forum here…Fishermen without partners, guess that kind of goes with the empty seat thing. Kind of like personal ads for gals that really do like to fish but who don’t own a boat. Or on our home pages here a line that says single and looking for a good catch.

    Mesa AZ
    Posts: 178


    There is nothing better than having your life partner enjoy fishing,(any kind)as much, and somtimes it seems more than you might. Doesn’t always help if she refers to you as the “NET GUY” to often tho.

    Take her fishing early and often, no matter what your after!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Take her out and get her dirty, get her all mussed up

    THAT’S what I’m talk’en about!!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Must have been awfully cute if the person in question gave up a night of cattin’! He sure didn’t miss much, though.

    Posts: 215

    On the first date, take her cattin. If she likes it, great!

    But your not done yet…..

    On the second date, take her cattin with your buddies!

    That ought to give you a good indication if she’s a keeper.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    RW, I’m not talking about anyone in particular here…just a topic of conversation….

    Unless someone has been to a Twins game instead of…catten…

    FH…what would you suggest for a third date?? Catching bait??

    Posts: 215

    Catching frogs.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    RW, I’m not talking about anyone in particular here…just a topic of conversation….

    Unless someone has been to a Twins game instead of…catten…

    Certainly, we’re not thinking of the same person

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Had a guy who lived next to our farm when I was younger had his girl friend come out and help sort hogs. Now she was a city girl and was kind of steppin around in the lot, well she messed around and fell in a big pile of poo. He said after that she was finally worth havin around! TAKE EM OUT AND GET EM DIRTY !!!!

    I don’t know about letting her go fishing with the fishin buddies till 3rd or 4th date. On the 2nd date, have her fry the fish up for you and the fishin buddies….see if she can cook first! This also lets her know where your loyalties are !

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Certainly, we’re not thinking of the same person

    Absolutly not! (notice the sunglasses on the smiley?…some people don’t post at work…just over lunch… )

    Fireman…I think that’s were I went wrong with the favorite wife…on the second date…

    I’m sure you’ve heard that we take turns cooking. I cook on the grill mostly when it’s my turn…when it’s her turn…we eat out.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Fishhead, I have to have you meet my neighbor. His first date was at a golf course at night..picking worms!

    She asked, where we going?

    He said, to the golf course

    She said, at night?

    He said, Best time

    She said, Where are your clubs and what are the two cans for….?

    True story

    Posts: 88

    First time I took ‘my lady’ muskie fishing I bought a brand-new rod and reel for her to use…..because I needed a new one. She claimed she could cast a bait-caster but let’s just say that I had my doubts. But we get out there and on the very first cast she rears back, fires a cast, and follows it right into the lake!!!!! Luckily it was only 4 feet deep or so…..which made it a lot easier for her to walk around until she found that rod and reel!!!!

    She was a good sport about it until little kids on shore started laughing at her standing there in the lake in all of her clothes. That part didn’t go over so well….

    Had to get rid of her though. Can’t have someone abusing my tackle like that!!!! Just kidding!!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Where do you come up with this stuff?

    From personal experience – it doesn’t matter! My wife used to ice fish with me when we were dating. Now that we’re married she doesn’t fish much at all.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Take her catfishing on the first date. If she goes for it and dosen’t complain shes close to a keeper. If she jumps right in and she baits her own hook too shes even closer to a solid keeper. If she does everything right and catches more fish than you and has a boat i’d maybe be looking for a church in the near future. If she hunts and has a dog thats even better.

    Long Prairie,MN
    Posts: 402

    Catfish stink bait $4.99
    Rod and Reel set-up $75.00
    Flat bottom boat & motor $6000.00
    Good looking lady that will put that stink bait on $$$Priceless

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Where do you come up with this stuff?

    In life my friend! Don’t think I could make this stuff up do ya!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    No, I can’t accuse you of that!

    Most of my dating questions were answered in the movie “When Harry Met Sally”. Can a man have woman friends, how long must you stay after s%x (somewhere between 5 minutes and the rest of the night), can women really fake it. It just never occurred to me to wonder about catfishing!!!

    Stay real.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Can a man have woman friends, how long must you stay after s%x (somewhere between 5 minutes and the rest of the night), can women really fake it.

    Those questions never occured to me!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    Maybe we could start a sub forum here…Fishermen without partners

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578

    Great first date idea – not necessarily because she has to like fishing, or be good at it or anything. More because a night out catting inevitably involves some slow time, when you can sit and ponder together, get some of the serious issues talked about, or just figure out if you can stand hanging out together without other distractions.

    Just don’t take her out into mosquito madness on the first date and judge her harshly if she doesn’t like it.

    Honestly, there are WAY more important things than if she likes fishing. The qualities that make a good fishing partner are not necessarily the qualities that make a good wife. And if you hope ever to marry and spend serious time with the person, you may want to reserve fishing as “your own” time – married people spend a LOT of hours together.

    My lady likes to fish a little. She gets wound up for it about once or twice a year or so. Naturally, I fish a hundred or so more times than that, and for the most part, we’re both happy that way (I do a lot compensatory time in the winter).

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good point Matt!

    How does the saying go?


    People never get serious about fishing until they get married…

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I took a few women on dates to drive tractor with me. And the girl who could run grain cart on her own, now thats a keeper.

    I think the problem comes in when you can’t tell the girl from the catfish

    Posts: 3835

    I remember the time I took my wife on a date catfishing. I had taken her on daytrips before but she burns in the sun, so I figured night fishing would be just the ticket for her. After about an hour with no bites she wanted to go home. Some things are man pass times and other things are not. I certainly wouldn’t subject her to my hunting camp. Big game fishing is pretty similar. I think it is more important that she try to please you. Especially if it is hard for them to fake it.

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