Tons of small cat’s

  • mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    We had a big population of 3-9 inch cats this last season on pool 9, which I can’t say I have seen for 15 years or so. Are other pools seeing a big rise in number of young? If so do you think it is less commercial fishing or what???

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    I don’t recall catching any that size last year on pool 4. Good to hear though. According to Mavzer, using cutbait, which is all I used last year, catches the larger fish over using stinkbait. So maybe i’m not a good person to answer that. Anybody using stinkbait catch an unusual amount of small cats last year???

    On water
    Posts: 663

    me and Tim caught a ton of little channel cats ranging from 10-13″ this past summer. But we would use night-crawlers….and it was only in one particular spot

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Just where is that spot Mudcat….????/

    On water
    Posts: 663

    well….you know………down, kinda up around that straight corner, next to the fallen tree out of the water.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Oh ya….there. Right by the green buoy marker in the river! I can’t wait till the cat season starts! Should be fun. I hope Mavzer can come out and play a little more this summer than he did this past winter. He coaches and goes to school tooo much! How about it Mavz????? you gonna catfish this year?

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    I am ready for some cattin….. I am excited to see what new snags and structure is out there since last year… that is the best part of the spring ……everything changes a little bit……

    On water
    Posts: 663

    ya dude! i am soooo pumped to go cating! driving me nuts!

    hopefully my black cloud leaves me and i can catch more fish this year! ….lol…

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