Well Jon,
I think the style of reel you choose comes down to your personal preference. I have both styles for big fish and they both work just fine. The rod length isn’t a real big issue either. I enjoy the extra control of a longer rod and it would seem to me that anytime you can get out there a little further, your odds increase. But if you’re along side a deep hole, you may not need a longer rod. I use 8-8.5 footers myself but find myself wanting something longer. Tell you what, buy the 10′ and if you don’t like it, I’ll trade you for my 8ft.!!! LOL! In the event you hook into a BIG LUNKER, I would also lean toward the heavier action rod. For line, I see Fleet Farm, Gander Mountain, and Galyans all have lines designed specifically for catfishing. Outside of those, I’d go with a strong XT style mono or a super line just in case the fish run you over or into any type of structure.
That’s my 2 cents of input, hope it helps you some!