I’m sure I’m gonna catch heck for saying this, but this whole business of record this and record that is starting to really bother me!
So we have all these record books and agencies keeping records on big fish that so-n-so caught…..who really gives a crap?!?!? No offense briank or anyone else out there, but do you honestly believe that I care that you have your name in the record book? I don’t believe for one minute it’s the fish or the animal that is benefiting or being honored when it gets its name and score in some dumb record book……it’s purely a way for the person who caught or killed it to boost their ego. Great! So you caught a big fish or shot a big buck, wanna impress me….take a bunch of nice pictures, hang em in your house, and passionately and fairly go out and try to do it again. This whole business of records needs to go! It seems a lot more rewarding to me to have a bunch of witnesses watching me release a big fish back to the water, after pictures, than to enter it into a record. Now I know you can’t release a big buck like you can a fish, but keeping its score should be a personal thing. I think most people actually look suspiciously upon some guy that shoots a big buck….like he must’ve cheated or something. Why would anyone want to bring that kind of scrutiny on themselves for a moment of ego building fame? All these records are doing is driving some guys to do anything it takes, legal or not, to kill or catch big fish or animals. Really people, it means more to you than anyone else.