Disclaimer: Everyone has a right to their own opinion and actions. Please remember we are all catfisherman/gals and we are (or at least should be) doing what we think is best for our cat fishery.
One Truth:
Everyone learned how to fish for cat’s from someone. Even if they went out on and used trial and error, we have picked up tips, tricks, how to read water or even holes from someone or something…like this forum or the hundereds of other cat forums out there.
So my question is, Isn’t it selfish for people to take info with out giving some back?
Whether it be in the form of posts or taking someone else fishing?
In a strange way, it reminds me of catch and release…If you have a small lake and everyone takes..but no one puts back…soon, the lake is fished out….if that makes any sense.
This is true in any forum…but more so in the cat forum when there is a comparitively small number of cat fisher folk than say eye’s or ba$$….
Your thoughts?