I could get use to this!!!

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    It was such a beautiful night out tonight, I just had to get out cattin on the mighty Mississippi. This was my first trip for flatheads in over two years, and really only my second go at it . In all honesty, I have never actually caught a flathead while actually fishing for them (I know, I’m a limp wristed jiggernaut when it comes to big fish). I’m not really set up great for these brutes either……My rod selection consists of a 30 year old salmon trolling rod and my bass flippin stick (you know, the one rated for “heavy cover” )….both rigged with 40# fireline (that’s what walmart had )

    Before the sun even set the night started out with a bang, with a good run right away at my first spot. Unfortunatly, my hookset ended up getting nothing but air…..a swing and a miss .

    After an unsuccessful stop at the second pile, the third spot proved to be the ticket for my first true flathead catfish while acutally fishing for flathead catfish ….not a brute, but hey, you gotta start somewhere

    After a couple more spots, and going through a bunch more bait, I set up with my last misely bullhead on a main channel snag…..it wasn’t 30 seconds before my rod got SMASHED . I set the hook hard and can immediatly tell I’m in over my head with this fish . Before gaining any ground, he was able to jar my anchor lose and the boat slipped right up next to the cover . As I slowly start gaining ground on the fish, I easy my way towards the net in the front of the boat……but when the cat first rolls on the surface within view, I realize my “large walleye net” ain’t gonna help much .

    So….now I’ve got a perdiciment on my hands……I’m by myself and have got the biggest fish I’ve ever hooked in my life coming up boat side……I can’t swing em in (can I?)….reaching down and lipping him with my thumb doesn’t seem to be much of an option either ………..Well, unfortunatly I don’t get much more time to think about it than that, cause one more run back to the bottom and SNAP (cuss word here) (cuss word here).

    I probably shouldn’t even guess at the weight of this fish, as I’ve only actually held a few flats in my life….but if I was forced to take a gander, I’d say this fish would have gone AT LEAST 70-80#’s .

    But anywho……I was bummed…..and out of bait….so I called her a night by 11:00pm. Tomorrow I’m going to Fleet Farm to pick up a BIG net, a new rod and some 80# power pro…..might have to order some bigger hooks off line somewhere too ……then I’ll be back after em, cause garsh dern it, that was kinda fun

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Alright Jake!!

    It’s about time you gave up on those green smelly things! Warning! Once you get cat slime in your veins, it’s there for good!

    I like the Gamagutsu 10/0 hooks (#2024 I think) $1.69 at Sportsmans Wharhouse for 5. This hook gives you a inexpensive “BIG BITE”. Never had one straighten out even when pulling out of a snag.

    That’s one thing about catten…you can be having a bad night…but it only takes a second to have a fantastice night!

    Glad you got to see your 80 lbser!

    PS for all the reasons listed above…this is why the MN state record is still swimming around!

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    glad to hear you had a good time out jake. sportsmen warehouse has a nice selection of hooks all the way up to 10/0 for 1.69 a 5 pack, much cheaper than ordering online and no waiting , it is always the big ones that get away that makes you wanna get back out there and share the moment with them again

    good luck, and next time just reach your hand into the kittys mouth and grab the lower jaw, they dont have the crushing power the channels do


    ps. i see brian types faster than me

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Where is this “Sportsmans Warehouse” you two speak of?…..I’ve never heard of such a place.

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    coon rapids and st cloud mn.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    web page

    Looks like CA is faster than me this time…

    PS Jake…you’re hats on backwards…as you can see in last nights adventure…to catch really big cat’s your hat should be on the “normal” way…

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    It’s a new hat too….probably had the jinx on me from the start .

    Coon Rapids ehh…..not really in my neck of the woods.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Catfish connection has them…but they’re a little more. I’m betting HOF can order some.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578

    A good second option is 4/0 to 7/0 kahles from catfish-connection.com they’re about $5.00 for 50.

    I’ve never seen a cat that size, but I’ve been alone plenty in the boat and caught my biggest cat (the one in my avatar) while alone. Like CA said, grab their lower jaw with your whole hand – “overhand” – and with a big boy like that, grab it with both hands. The trick becomes how to do it in one fluid motion because you have to get rid of the rod at some point. Most of us practice on the smaller ones for years before having a chance like that, just remember to hoist it out quick – once out of the water you can hold it like that for a long time, but they aren’t going to sit still for it when they’re in the water. Grab and pull.

    A good reason to have your hat on frontwards is to hook your headlamp on so you can see where you have the cats hooked and avoid grabbing them there. Nice moonlit night to be sure but you need a little extra spot of light for that.

    Hope you get a chance to perfect the grab!


    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Do you guys use them with your live bait???? I use circles on my cut bait rod and love them but never tried with live bait.

    To be honest I was going to try them but needed some bigger ones than I had. So I stop down at the bait shop in hastings and they had a 5 pack of 8/0 gamos for $9.50 . Needless to say I still had to buy minnows so the big circles got put on the backburner. 2 bucks for 5 10/0 eh.. Thats not too bad..

    How long does it take to get them if you order of the net??
    I am in the same boat as jake. It would cost 15 bucks to drive there so $9.50 may be the olny other option if I want to try these out while the fish are biting

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578


    How long does it take to get them if you order of the net??

    Catfishconnection.com usually takes about 3 business days – pretty impressive – and the shipping is not bad, even on no-roll sinkers.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Jake.. I’ll simplify it a little bit on grabbing a big flathead.. of any size..

    4 fingers in the mouth, thumb on the bottom, hang on tight and dont let go for anything. The lower jaw is like a suitcase handle. DO NOT put your thumb in the mouth of big fish and try to hoist them that way.. they will thrash and twist every time.. ouch!

    BE SURE you know where the hook is before you make a grab.. A net is much easier, and a wise investment.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Bushman, I have about 10 packs of 10/0’s…if your going to the GTG, I’ll sell ya one to see how you like ’em.

    Personally I don’t recommend live bait with circles. My reasoning is that you have the chunk of live bait covering the gap of the hook. With the Octopus hooks you have the same thing but you can “set” the hook, which pulls the hook out of the bait and into the kitty’s mouth. Generally, if you do that with a circle…you’ll pull the hook right out of their mouth.

    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 246


    Personally I don’t recommend live bait with circles.

    All my Flats this year have been on daiichi circle chunk lites in 5/0. Matt’s latest 50, ditto.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Maybe I should have said that many people do use circles with live bait and love them.

    I do have a question for the circle hook users. Do you have your clickers turned off, so the hook sets itself? My only experiance with circles is with channels (cutbait) and very little with live bait..because of the reason above.

    I’m not trying to be funny…believe it or not…I’m always open to new and better ways of sticking a flat.

    PS Matt, Thanks for the tip on the Wallmart reflective tape…It makes the black Croix’s stand out like a sore thumb!

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Mine cat fish rod sticks out like a sore thumb better then yours.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    CFG, there just something wrong with guys putting batteries in there rods….

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    CFG, there just something wrong with guys putting batteries in there rods….

    I ain’t going there Briank………….
    I ain’t the one who wears a pink dress
    I ain’t a guy for one, and I like my rod that needs batteries – it was the one that had most of the fish that night. And it such a pretty blue glow it gives off…..

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Post deleted by EYE-GUIDE

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    You took the words out of my mouth Tuck!!!

    I keep hearing about all this clonking going on(and with gloves at that) and now batteries in rods Thats some funny stuff!

    Brian… I took the girlfriend out last night and tied on some 10/0 gamos. One with live and one with cut. She ended up the the biggest channel she has ever caught. 30″ and the hook was in there perfect. I was using about 10″ chubs and olny had one run that let go She wooped me with the cut but I dont like them channels anyhow(put a thumb in the mouth once and never liked them much since). I am going to try agian friday night.

    Hopefully we tie into another one to show ya on sat

    Posts: 412

    Sportsmans warehouse!!!!!!!!
    I gotta go to this place!!!!!!! look at the selection

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