It was such a beautiful night out tonight, I just had to get out cattin on the mighty Mississippi. This was my first trip for flatheads in over two years, and really only my second go at it . In all honesty, I have never actually caught a flathead while actually fishing for them (I know, I’m a limp wristed jiggernaut when it comes to big fish). I’m not really set up great for these brutes either……My rod selection consists of a 30 year old salmon trolling rod and my bass flippin stick (you know, the one rated for “heavy cover”
)….both rigged with 40# fireline (that’s what walmart had
Before the sun even set the night started out with a bang, with a good run right away at my first spot. Unfortunatly, my hookset ended up getting nothing but air…..a swing and a miss .
After an unsuccessful stop at the second pile, the third spot proved to be the ticket for my first true flathead catfish while acutally fishing for flathead catfish ….not a brute, but hey, you gotta start somewhere
After a couple more spots, and going through a bunch more bait, I set up with my last misely bullhead on a main channel snag… wasn’t 30 seconds before my rod got SMASHED . I set the hook hard and can immediatly tell I’m in over my head with this fish
. Before gaining any ground, he was able to jar my anchor lose and the boat slipped right up next to the cover
. As I slowly start gaining ground on the fish, I easy my way towards the net in the front of the boat……but when the cat first rolls on the surface within view, I realize my “large walleye net” ain’t gonna help much
So….now I’ve got a perdiciment on my hands……I’m by myself and have got the biggest fish I’ve ever hooked in my life coming up boat side……I can’t swing em in (can I?)….reaching down and lipping him with my thumb doesn’t seem to be much of an option either ………..Well, unfortunatly I don’t get much more time to think about it than that, cause one more run back to the bottom and SNAP
(cuss word here)
(cuss word here).
I probably shouldn’t even guess at the weight of this fish, as I’ve only actually held a few flats in my life….but if I was forced to take a gander, I’d say this fish would have gone AT LEAST 70-80#’s .
But anywho……I was bummed…..and out of bait….so I called her a night by 11:00pm. Tomorrow I’m going to Fleet Farm to pick up a BIG net, a new rod and some 80# power pro…..might have to order some bigger hooks off line somewhere too ……then I’ll be back after em, cause garsh dern it, that was kinda fun