The Progression of a Bullhead Fisherman

  • daruoho
    Posts: 68

    When I first started out Bullhead fishing I would use clickers and bobbers. But as I evolved into a more proficient bullhead fisherman I got rid of the bobbers and retired my clickers. By this time I had trained myself to detect the difference between the subtle strike of a bullhead and the tight waggle of my night crawler. I have spent many days with Joe Melas who showed me the ways of tight lining for bullheads. 75% of his bullheads would only move the line 18 to 23 inches. I have also learned that a blacklight with glow line helps me detect even more afternoon strikes, although the car battery is sometimes heavy to carry. I have trained myself to sit on a white bucket shaded by an umbrella with my snickers bar and watch the roller bladers walk their dogs. Sure, I miss the entertaining sound of a ten inch bully screaming out my clickers, but knowing that I have progressed is much more satisfying.

    Posts: 284

    Bobbers AND clickers?

    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 246

    Does Joe Melas work at Toca Bell too?

    Posts: 68

    That is the best you guys can come up with!!! Come on bring it!!

    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 246


    Where EXACTLY is this bullhead pond with the 10 inchers?

    Posts: 68

    Easy Briank

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Just not worth the time…

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    daruoho or is that dirt hoe, you really should get a life, you have seemed quite obsessed with this cottonwood tree for some time now. Why is that? As we all know there are more productive areas to fish at different times, yet you keep bringing it up like a broken record. I figure it has to be either you keep forgetting you already said it, or your upset because other people are fishing it and you are crying about it. Actually last year I saw your buddy JC there, so I know you guys wouldn’t fish a worthless spot like that right? Well I guess to be completely accurate, I was anchored there 1st so he went somewhere else.
    I figure your upset with Brian and keep attacking him because he and other members are out fishing you and your little posse big time on a regular basis.
    Brian tells me he has never met you, yet you keep after him, why is that? Jealous of his success rate?
    You can brag all you want about what you are catching and how you and your posse tactic’s are far superior to us “Johnny come lately”, but it isn’t a contest to us, we fish cause we like to, and like to hang out together, simple as that and we catch a lot of big fish.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Just not worth the time…


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hmmm…not much to say here.

    I recieved a PM from a friend today. This person shared a concern with me in an adult way.

    Dan..well that’s his nature and can be expected. We all reap what we sow. I wish him well and hope he finds what he’s looking for.

    It’s true…I’ve learned alot and will learn more from people on this site that are willing to share ideas and seats in a boat. A very good catfisherman told me just lately “you can learn something from everyone”.

    I think I’ve learned something from this post…it takes more than having years of experiance in catching cats or having all the answers to be a true catfisherman.

    I’m working on it…and catching some fish along the way.

    Dan, JetCat, RB…thanks for teaching me two things today. It is appreciated.

    I’ve also was reminded by the number of PM’s, how many friends I’ve made on IDA. Thanks all!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Afternoon strikes with a blacklight? About as worthless as ice to an eskimo.

    I hope you are refering to catching bait. If you are catching bullheads in the afternoon, it must mean the rock picking business is slow.

    Brian, keep up the good work and reporting. Anyone who has spent 1 iota of time with you knows that this small minded (And poorly performed jealosy tirade…)tantrum is just to get attention. Children do this all the time.

    Nice fish! How many bullheads are you sitting on? I may try to sneak out with the kids this weekend..

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    How many bullheads are you sitting on?

    Is this the trick for keeping them alive or, does it make them more attractive to the Flattys

    Sure wish I knew where the bullheads went on pool 8
    Are you dudes keeping them in a bulk tank?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If you talk with Mile 832…he’s an expert at giving 7 inch bullies Mouth to Mouth…

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    not just bullheads, I have a good pic of tim lip locked with a flat


    Posts: 3835

    Do you folks remember the TV show Kung Fu. The old blind master asked grasshopper to snatch the pebble from his hand. Just exactly who is the master and who is the grass hopper in this thread? I think we have the makings of a two man cat tourney here to settle this whole thing. I suggest neutral water. My money is on the D man but BK is a bit of dark horse.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Whisker…I concide….I’m still working on what the pebble stands for…

    Posts: 3835

    Whomever snatches the pebble is the true master. So both of you should compete on a field of honor and settle this like men. Or keep sniping at each other like you are now. We all practice catch and release so it matters not who knows what about where.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    The last I checked.. someone got booted.. why are we trying to start competitions with someone that is no part of what is going on?

    Seems kind of childish to me trying to *measure up* to get bragging rights on who is a better fisherman.. Honestly.. I can really care less who thinks they are best.. but I will keep my eyes open when I see something that is working that is new to me.. I will never claim to know it all, but I do know how to catch fish.. better than most other people in some areas.. other areas.. all I can do is try my best until I figure out the system, and keep my eyes and ears open when someone has some knowledge to share.

    There is a difference betwenn knowledge and BS .. most of us know the difference between the 2… some people tend to base their motivation towards one or the other… I will pick the knowledge myself.. and leave the BS info behind me.

    If this other person was such a good fisherman.. he must have been a catfish god and already knew it all to spend all of his time attacking Brian… I guess the catfish god hates you Brian.. you must be a threat.

    Want to know who the best fisherman is? Start a league similar to the one going on the Minnesota river.. one night every other weekend for a couple months.. the people who are in the ball game and most consistant will stand out. There is no way to determine who is more productive out of one night of fishing.. lets face it, fishing is unpredictable and in the end it is often the ones who are the most determined will come out on top.. if a little luck pays off and the right fish grab the line.

    This might be a good thing to com up with next year.. 1 fish of each species(channels and flats) per night, 2 anglers per boat. Captains and riders both welcom as long as they even out in the end.. partners change every night. Length of fish only with photo proof.. no kept fish. This could cover a large stretch of the river.. say pool 2 to some borderline on pool 4… big fish of the night payouts, and season leader payouts at the end of the season.

    Want to see who was the best angler that year? That is how.. a league.

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    That is a interesting idea FD, I wonder who would sign up. I dont think i will, I fish to relax and like to choose who I fish with.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I’ll bet many people would do it. Have a one time fee with 100% (or very close to) payout.. one night every 2 weeks isnt bad to fish with a new individual(might be someone you know).. the captains and riders can figure out the gas/bait situation to make it a fair deal for both… good idea to get people out fishing and meet some new folks, and learn some new waters. I know the Bell Plain cat league is around $100 for the season, one time fee. There is a nightly big fish payout, and season payout for top few places.

    most cat guys are pretty decent guys.. I dont forsee many boxing matches breaking out.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Speaking for me alone, I enjoy cat fishing because of the solitude, and the fact that there is no competition. Take it from a burned out walleye tournament guy, when the competition factor makes the sport feel like too much of a job, it is loses it’s “Funness.”
    For me, my competition is between me and that big kitty I have yet to catch, “Mano A Mano.” I enjoy hearing the clicker, and telling whomever is with me as a guest “Take the rod!” (Unless it is Brian, then the first to stumble, bite and claw their way to the rod gets it. )I think that was what was so strange about D-Ho’s post was that there seemed to be a bit of jealousy or just flatout meanness sent Brian’s way. Oh well, I am going to practice what I preach. Tonight I am taking my cat-virgin uncle out for his first flatty experience. Bugs be darned! And don’t worry all, he will be blindfolded, and his GPS will be confiscated. I will tell him we are fishing Pool 2. I have to hurry down to the cottonwood, and get my rubber snake back anyhow!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Eye guide.. you going to bring some extra sources of light down to the river to test the theory?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Let’s just say I made a note to myself that if I ever fish with you, I don’t bend over to get bait unless you are in front of me!

    Posts: 284

    In the original post on this thread. Dan was poking fun of statements made by JC and me. I found it pretty funny.

    Upon refelection, I removed one of my replies.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 578

    Who is the best catman/woman? The one who gets on the water the most. “Best” to me means getting the most fun out of the sport, and you can’t measure it or compare it from angler to angler. Fun could be latching into the big cat, having goofy conversations, feeling the solitude, or catching lots of fish. I have lots of it when I go, and I could care less how it compares to anyone else’s fun.

    I like to post my pics in part because I need people who know what catfishing means to share my fun with, and in part because I’m proud and like to brag .

    I’ve had a good run of luck in the past coupla seasons. You could say I’m good or have had good luck, but what it comes down to is I fish all the time. Doesn’t matter if it’s more or better than anyone and catfishermen who are too caught up in the oneupmanship mindset I think are missing the point.

    Count me out of any tourney except the IDA tourney where I can win me a nice St. Croix if that’s going on again!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just a couple of quick thoughts…

    Whisker…I enjoy fishing…sometimes alone..many times with freind…but ALWAYS with a kid….or someone who’s never had the opertunity to fish flats before. To ME success is measured by the number of people I meet that I can call a friend after we share a common love called fishing.

    BankMaster Dave…The idea of a league is intresting and I’m sure many would like to join. Personally, I wouldn’t be interested…because it’s not my style..otherwise I would be fishing the IDA walleye tour… (bite your tongue CA).

    I have thee PM’s to respond to…but I’m taking my wife fishing tonight and doubt I’ll get to them tonight…wife number 1 didn’t get that name for no reason.

    A note to anyone from out of town. Most nights, I don’t see anyone out catfishing…but if you’re worried about making a trip and finding your hole taken…let me know when you’re comeing…if needed I’ll go out there and save it for you. Don’t think I’m kidding.

    So enough with this stuff…let’s see some pictures of Tyler nailing good one tonight…and some picts of them P2 fish…I’m thinking I’m going to have to start fishing P2 more…just to let everyone know through photos that there’s other monsters in there besides Dee Zee’s Jumbo Walleye’s!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Count me out of any tourney except the IDA tourney where I can win me a nice St. Croix if that’s going on again!

    Forgot about that…I’m in! PS…Matt you owe me some venison…

    Posts: 3835

    Oh my liver… everyone is sooo sensitive on this post. Keep in mind I nearly always play the devil’s advocate. I take a kid fishing whenever I can. Catfishing folks are always kind to one another until you find one in the spot you were looking forward to fishing all week.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Oh no competition for the get together. I have to admit I need to get real lucky to beat you guys. Come on nasty weather!!

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