I called Roy Johannes, Commercial Fisheries Program Consultant, with the MN DNR a couple of weeks ago to inquire about using bullheads over 7 inches as bait. Roy made it clear that one could use bullheads over 7 inches in Minnesota. The problem is that you can’t transport them over land if they’re over 7 inches and alive. So, if you caught some 9 or 10 inch bullhead in the afternoon on Pool 4, you could use them that evening as bait on that same body of water.
I also acquired about getting a commercial permit to transport live fish. In the Nov./Dec. 2004 issue of the Minnesota Volunteer there was an article about commercial fisherman and in that article they stated that a commercial fisherman who fishes the Mississippi river transports his catch alive to markets in Chicago and New York. I thought that if one could get a permit to transport live fish, then one could transport 10 inch bullheads over land and still be in compliance with all the laws. Roy basically asked me what my point was and when I explained what that if one could get a commercial permit to transport live fish,then one could more easily fish with bullheads larger than 7 inches. Roy told me that they’re working on this issue and hoped to get something worked out that would allow the use of bullheads larger than 7 inches. Roy said that it would not need the approval of the MN legislature but that it would not be implemented for the 2005 season but hopefully for 2006. The DNR’s concern is with transporting invasive species, and understandably so. But realistically, I see no greater danger transporting 10 inch bullhead than transporting 6 inch bullhead.
So for all you flathead guy, it sounds like there’s some hope.