Putz and I were loading up the shacks on the Croix tonight and a fella that I talked to about a week ago came off the ice about the same time.
In our first converstation… one of use mentioned mooneyes and the next thing ya know….we were talking flathead and channel cat fishing! It’s hard to talk fishing with out bringing up IDA… Tim has the “fever”….I think this was a fairly accurate quote “It’s first ice and all I can think about is going catt’en”….sound framilar?
So at the risk of embarressing Tim… (I do that once in a while)…I would like to be the first to WELCOME Mile832 to IDA!
One word of warning Tim…when you take a picture of someone holding a big flat…make sure they aren’t wearing gloves…unless it’s a girl…
Catt’en Addict will have a fit!