what they want when they want

  • riverrad
    Posts: 13

    No science here,I believe catfish are more aware of their surroundings than any other fish in freshwater reguardless of type. Their genetic make up makes them able to be more aware.They seem to have a very good memory,they very seldomly seem to eat something out of place.If you see a bunch of geese by a dam,poultry inards work well. If it rains heavy the bigger ones know where to go for crawlers or minnow consolidation.when they are young they go for the strongest clues(usually smells).all kinds of cats are opportunists for amount of effort.If it seems safe and available they will eat it.unless their priorities are for their offspring or are directed by weather or current.I doubt a big cat of any species will take any offering if it is not convinced it is worth it.I think the best way to maximize your catch is to know their surroundings as well as they do…If you ever remember a large cat taking a bait out of place maybe you should wonder who is more aware.please give experiences.THANX

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