
  • MikeT1
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 68

    I collected 98, 4-6 inch shad from a die off the other day. I broke them up into 16 individual ziplocks with 6 in each bag and froze them. When I go out I can now grab 1 package for a couple hour outing depending on how the fish are biting. I have always used sucker minnows for bait as I have never had the chance to come across a shad die-off. Do you guys use the whole shad, cut the head and tail off, or what? I was planning on using just the body section. I can’t wait to use them. I figure this will same me about $80 in suckers and I am hoping it is much better bait being that it is more natural.

    Keep that warm weather coming
    Mike T.

    Posts: 20

    Score! I’m still getting used to paying for bait. In Texas we used to cast-net in the saltwater to get all kinds of bait. I’m going to get some minnow traps this year, or make my own.

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    down here in iowa i have heard people prefer to use the guts. i’ve tried it with fresh ones and the only thing that will stay on the hook is the gizzard. with fresh shad, a chunk of midsection with some guts in it is where i start. if the fish are bigger, the head and 1/2″ or so of body works good sometimes. once again, some guts are hanging out of it.

    Posts: 3835

    You may find that salting them is better than freezing. Especially dead ones get really soft. If you put them in a pail and salt them they get harder. They will work really well for channel cats. You would do just as good with some Sonny’s stink bait.

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