Catfish Rods in the Metro

  • rschmidty
    Posts: 173

    With the rain predicted tomorrow, I was looking to kill some time. I was wondering if there were any tackle shops in the metro that had catfishing rods I could check out. Specifically wanting to check out the rippin lips rods, okuma battle cat, whisker seeker, tangling with catfish or catfish fever rods.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    I am curious if anyone local has some of these as well.

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    Four Seasons in Red Wing stocks the Battle Cat. I’ve called around in the and nobody stocks any of the others on your list.

    Posts: 6687

    I have a bunch of rippin lips rods but will be fishing out of everts today. Love my rippin lips 7’6″ medium, or, heavy, for channel cats!!! Own 6

    Flatheads I use okuma evx musky 8’6 telescoping Heavy. Love them. Own 5

    Posts: 696

    I have a bunch of rippin lips rods but will be fishing out of everts today. Love my rippin lips 7’6″ medium, or, heavy, for channel cats!!! Own 6

    Flatheads I use okuma evx musky 8’6 telescoping Heavy. Love them. Own 5

    On the rippin lips.

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    I have two Battle Cats, 8′ heavy, and a couple RippnLips mh. Great rods

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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