We made it out last Saturday, got a late start, didn’t get on the lake till almost 10am. Stopped and grabbed some bait from Petenwell Sport Shop and headed to the Lure. We unloaded the bike and rolled out on the lake, went out about 3/4 mile and found a channel edge to set up on. Fired up the old Jiffy and started punching holes, there was four of us so we were able to cover some ground. Set up 3 BD tipups, 3 wind tipups, a hookset tipup and an auto-fisherman. We set up from 8 fow on top out to about 18fow in the channel, used small and med fatheads, rosie reds, and shiners. Only had two flags, one on a wind tipup with a fathead that took a couple feet of line and dropped it. The other flag was on a BD with a shiner on top of the break, my son got the channel cat in the pic, prolly 22″ or so.. That was it for flags, we’d move tipups around every 45 min to hour, some we varied depth, some moved to new holes. Not much action on those.
We also jigged too, tried everything in the box, from forage minnows to slender spoons, also quite a few different colored pimples, jigging raps, a few chubby darters and ALOT of different jigs tipped with plastics and/or waxies or spikes… I missed a couple lite bites then landed my first fish of the day…a 6″ walleye
sorry no pics.. Just a little while later got an 8″ crappie out of the same hole, both fish on a gold/orange forage minnow with a minnow head. About an hour later had huge red mark come up and slammed my jig, I set the hook, about 4 feet of line peeled off then it was snagged up… don’t know how or what but ended up having to but my line and lost my forage minnow
… Right before dark my buddie jigged up a 16″ walleye to end the day with. Cell phone pics not the greatest, but all we had. Also snapped a sunset pic too, it was a beutiful day out, didn’t set the world on fire slamming fish but had a blast with some friends, grilled a few johnsonvilles and had a few