Hope you’re going to use it in Iowa.
WI = not allowed
MN =1. St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylor’s Falls*;
2. the Mississippi River downstream of St. Anthony Falls to the confluence with the St. Croix
River; and
3. the Mississippi River downstream of the confluence with the St. Croix River to the
Minnesota/Iowa border* (the Minnesota portions of the Minnesota/Wisconsin Border Waters
which are all sloughs, backwaters, bays, and newly extended water areas lying between the
Canadian Pacific, St. Paul, and the Pacific Railroad tracks to the Minnesota/Wisconsin border)
Monofilament cast nets not exceeding 3.5 feet in radius (7 feet in diameter).
Cast net mesh size must be from 3/8 to 5/8 inch bar measure.
*Note, successful completion of online AIS training is required before a permit will be issued.