Hey I just wanted to make a post to have a discussion about fishing in cass county MN in longville MN are any of you guys familiar with the area? I am familiar with the area one of my good best buds had a cabin in longville and we went up alot and now that were adults and he now owns that cabin himself and ive been coming up for years that he thinks of the place like we both own it and we bring our families up whenever i help with stuff up there its mine has much has its his type stuff and its great so i bring my family up there and starting to actually fish all these different lakes that are around i was use to our 1 lake thats on the property and thats kego lake still a great lake to fish still catch bluegills bigger then both my hands put together but theres tons of lakes in the little city of longville of a population of 308 people but there so many awesome lakes but im not very familiar what the fishing is like in the area like ive fished leech lake before and long lake but theres so many heres a little list Blackwater lake, Cedar lake, island lake, Lake inguadona, Lake Winnibigoshish, Boy lake, Little Boy Lake, Little Woman lake, Child lake, Woman Lake chain, Woman lake, girl lake, broadwaywater bay, Long lake, Kego Lake, Mule lake, Ponto lake, Three island lake, Thunder lake, Wabedo Lake, Leech lake. I Could forgetting about a few others theres just to many to keep count in that little of a area but its a beautiful area and its a fishers weekend paradise when you come up to my buds cabin but anyways cut to the chase anyone got any ideas or have fished any of those lakes before and have some tips this weekend im gonna either get the boat out or kayak it depending on the weather and winds if its nice and calm one night i might just do both

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