Fished both Cross Lake and Upper/Middle Whitefish for decades. First key note of instruction… if you are planning to fish over the weekend only fish at very low light periods and stay as far away from the Upper Cross Lake/Rush Lake/Lower Whitefish areas as possible. Absolute zoo of big power boats!
IMO Upper/Middle Whitefish breaklines from 25′-35′ looking for the sharpest breaks. I would start at the north shoreline of Middle Whitefish around the humps and power rig (live bait rig or bouncer/spinner combos) until you find fish. As the day progresses to low light you can slip up shallower along these sand breaks in 10-12 FOW and troll Jointed Shad Rap 5’s. Start your sets 50′-60′ back making contact with the bottom every so often.