Carry Class Sept 27th, Sunday 2020 @ the Bluff's in Hager City

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have a class set up at the Bluff’s in Hager City (Across the river from Red Wing) on Sunday, Sept 27th @ 10:00 am.
    Classroom lasts until around 11:30 depending, then we generally have a lunch on your own if you wish. Lot’s of good conversation/questions get answered at this time. Then it’s to an off site location about 4 miles away for the live fire.

    The day of class you need a handgun and no more then 21 rounds along with your drivers license.

    The certified instructor isn’t too concerned if you hit the target or not, it’s more about how you safely handle your weapon. In fact, we all use the same target.

    Prior to class I’ll need your name as is appears on your drivers license emailed to me @ [email protected] .

    The $65.00 can be mailed or use paypal/credit card.

    Again, this is a MN Carry class that will cover WI (and other states as well). To clarify, a WI resident will need the MN AND WI permit to carry in both states.

    A MN resident will just need their MN permit to carry in MN/WI and many other states.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    As an update, the Bluff Bar and Grill class this weekend is full.

    Since we’ve had so many for class, we’ve added a class in Afton on Sunday, October 4th at 10:00 am.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Thank you for keeping us updated. If you add another class at a later date, please continue to let us know. I’ve got commitments with a wedding and a side roofing job on those weekends but would like to join at some point.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Will do Mr. Badger.

    Seems there’s more interest just lately then in the past.
    We can have classes any place that has seating, 110v and a safe place to qualify.
    Just need a minimum of ten people.

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