Carlos Avery

  • Hunter Baxley
    Posts: 20

    Anyone have any luck in Carlos this year?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Couple of my buddies took out some dandies from Carlos.
    Growing up in linwood, Carlos is where I learned to hunt. I have a love hate relationship with it.
    This was a cool one that was shot in a small target area we both hunt. There is multiple bucks with these genes in the area that have goofy neat head gear.

    1. Screenshot_20241118_194031_Messages.jpg

    Wright County
    Posts: 3201

    Its a good chunk of land but you really need to put the work in to be successful. Probably one of the most pressured wmas in the state. Either go way deep or just think outside the box a little bit.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Its a good chunk of land but you really need to put the work in to be successful. Probably one of the most pressured wmas in the state. Either go way deep or just think outside the box a little bit.

    Yup. Outside the box is what we do. Or used to do. Lots of super over walked area out there. And lots of untouched land.
    The best spots to hunt you can not park near. You need a buddy to drop you off and pick you up. Or a cool old lady like mine lol

    Posts: 1055

    Cool looking buck! I like the oddballs.

    Hunter Baxley
    Posts: 20

    That’s an awesome buck, hunting it the last few years I would have to agree a lot of over walked areas. It sure is a cool piece of property though I do enjoy hunting out there

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    That’s an awesome buck, hunting it the last few years I would have to agree a lot of over walked areas. It sure is a cool piece of property though I do enjoy hunting out there

    Are you local In the area ? Bow or shotgun ?

    Hunter Baxley
    Posts: 20

    Bow, I live in hugo been scouting it boots on the ground last 4 years haven’t hunted it a ton up until this year. I really put in a solid effort in this year saw some real nice bucks came really close on a few and settled for a 2.5yr old 8 pt before the orange army came in.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Bow, I live in hugo been scouting it boots on the ground last 4 years haven’t hunted it a ton up until this year. I really put in a solid effort in this year saw some real nice bucks came really close on a few and settled for a 2.5yr old 8 pt before the orange army came in.


    That’s a successful season in that land.
    If I can come close to what I consider a big quality buck out there i count it as success and a great place to re group my thought process. Alot of guys say late winter and early summer scouting is pointless because the deer just move. I’m in the scout as much as you can after season and way early in the year to get a idea of where the buck lives. It won’t be within the quantity of deer, he will have his own home in some nasty stuff. And then plan a early season attack.

    Hunter Baxley
    Posts: 20

    I’ve always enjoyed the scouting process I’ve had it work for me the next season but I’ve also had it kick me in the ass. But it gives you starting points anyhow for down the road season to season

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    I’ve always enjoyed the scouting process I’ve had it work for me the next season but I’ve also had it kick me in the ass. But it gives you starting points anyhow for down the road season to season

    It gives you a great place to refresh on after the following season. But like you said deer activity and homes change, deer get shot and pushed out of areas so you have to re scout it and look for fresh sign. Carlos is some very high pressured land, which can be very tough. I am glad I grew up hunting it because it taught me most of the tough public land hunting I do.
    If you have other questions or want some pointers or opinions shoot me a message.

    Posts: 4560

    Grew up with Carlos Avery in my back yard, as kids we used to run all over the southwest side. Many nice spots no one ever around. Gun opener everyone sits on the edge. We go deep all the way to the swamp. Thats where the big swamp bucks hang out.

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