Can't wait

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22873

    Heading up again for a fly-in. 1 week in the land of the never ending sun ! Can’t wait for never ending 18-24″ eyes and 40″ pike !!!

    Posts: 3913

    sounds like a ton of fun ! You will have to put up some pics of how you did.
    good luck big_g !!

    Posts: 7348

    Last fly in we did was touching the tundra, such a cool ecosystem up there. Enjoyed walking in woods as much as fishing for a bit.

    Revisit that trip every couple days with coffee. Hope you have good weather and many fish toast

    1. IMG_20170521_091109300.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11037

    I’m truly jealous. Have fun!

    Posts: 6259

    Have fun, my count down is at 25 days.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22873

    13 but who’s counting…. mrgreen Love that coffee mug idea, might steal that one waytogo above the 57th parallel… pretty cool terrain indeed.

    Doug Sponseller
    Houghton Lake, Michigan
    Posts: 90

    We’ll be in the neighborhood June 12-23
    Leaf Rapids area. Have fun. We have a great time with the big pike.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22873

    might pass you on “the road” we are coming out the 12th !!! waytogo

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