Why Manitoba??

  • trapsht
    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    So what’s the big fuss all about in regards to fly-in fishing in Manitoba?? I recently went to the All Canada Show and there was a ton of these camps there. Some of the prices are extraordinary…$4300 for 4 days..wooohoo. I’ve been to plenty of lakes in Ontario where I never saw another boat and caught a ton of fish. So why would I go to Manitoba??

    I don’t mean to be cavalier about this….I sincerely just don’t know anything about it. I’m sure it’s a great experience. Is that the idea..going for the experience more than the actual fishing. I would save up and go on one of these trips if I knew more about it.

    Posts: 1009

    Catering and pampering!

    Your trips not so spendy cuz the fishing is so good! its all the things these places do for you and the stuff you get to make your trip great!

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    I’m thinking that if you are paying that kind of money you are flying very far north to extremely remote places. In any case, that’s pretty heavy duty. I would have to know an awful lot before plunking down that kind of change.

    I love Manitoba by the way. Home of the Red River.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I go on a fly-in in Northern Manitoba…. WAY cheaper than what you were looking at… 5 days for $1500. It is remote and no TV, radio, or another soul for miles. I go for the fishing and that’s exactly what I get

    big G

    Robin Holden
    Nestor Falls ON
    Posts: 54

    Northern Manitoba and Northern Saskatchewan are know for monster pike(50″+). I know alot of these places advertise other fish but northern pike have become a huge draw in the last few years. I am being asked to fish pike more and more every year. I am guessing the higher demand and increased traffic means higher rates. Plus fly-ins have had to increase prices to compensate for the higher gas prices especially in remote areas. They are probably paying 5 bucks a gallon for av-gas if not more.

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    Hey big G…where do you go?? I received a brochure for Wollaston Lake Lodge…..4 days fishing=$4300 and you still have to get to Winnipeg. All I can envision are people with white sweaters tied around there neck fishing.

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