Pine river resort ontario Dinowrick lake

  • Greyghost
    Posts: 131

    Had a trip at this resort and reporting that while fishing was good services wasnt. We had to wait 3 mornings for boats to be ready even though we explained we would leave at sunrise every day. They were of the mind set that the fish bite better at 9 am so why go earlier and wake us up. We also had difficulties with help needed we wrecked on the way to the lodge large moose and motor home we needed a lift back to town 19 miles after we paid them for the cabin they hid didnt need to help anybody that had paid. Sad we had good fishing but they made it known that our problems werent any interest to them but yet we were there paying Guest. A trip back wont happen and I suggest caution dealing with them you are asked to pay up front for the week never had that before either should have been a red flag.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    God grant me the serenity to accept those things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. In this case, wisdom wins out – you are not going to change this guy and I would work on maintaining my serenity. I figure I can get upset and diminish my enjoyment of what I am doing or just let it go and stay focused on enjoying my day and the company of my family . God grant me the serenity to accept those things I cannot change

    ~Steve DeMarrs 2007

    Glad the fishing was good at least! I’m not sticking up for that resort…as I’ve never heard of them before…but I do know it’s hard to be everything to everyone.

    Good luck at your next resort!

    Posts: 68

    Greyhost, Sorry that you had trouble on your trip. If you want to fish the same body of water again go to Merkel’s Camp. It is on Lake Wabagoon which is the next lake in the chain. terry and Meril will take great care of you and you don’t pay until the end. It is an every year trip for us. Go to

    Good luck


    Posts: 131

    Thanks will look this place over. Tried to contact the former place they didnt respond to my email guess the bridge has been burnt./

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