Annual fly-in trip report – 7/22 – 7/28

  • bendvoracek
    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131

    Our annual Canada fly in trip with my Dad and 2 brothers was the best we have ever had this past week. From the drive up, to getting in, fishing all week, and getting home, everything went smooth. The weather was great in the low 80’s with mostly sun all week. We only had 1 morning with rain and wind.

    This was a new lake so we did not know what the underwater structure looked like and were not sure where the fish were going to be. None of the lakes up there are mapped, so bringing in high quality graphs is a key to finding fish. I personally use the Lowrance HDS 5 with a portable power pack.

    Our 1st day was to search and find fish. We started on all the “typical” structure you could see with your eyes like – rock piles, points, and weed edges. We did catch a few fish here and there, but it was not fast and furious like “Canada” fishing can be. Also there is a good population of northern in the lake so fishing the easy structure had us loose a few jigs and cranks.

    We were scratching our heads a little, but decided on the 2nd day to keep at it and keep searching. We started out on a shallow rock pile 10 ft deep that had weeds at the bottom of it and gradually went out to around 20 ft. Pulling spinners with crawlers helped us land a few more fish and put some nice eaters on the stringer with an occasional 22-25 inch walleye. We also pulled cranks in the afternoon sun when it was hot out concentrating on structure that had rocks and weeds that had immediate access to deep water. This strategy ended up working well for me and I landed the biggest walleye I have ever caught taping at 29 ½ inches weighting 8 ½ lbs.

    The 3rd day we ended up doing similar to day 2, but in the afternoon we ended up finding a deeper flat out in the lake away from the shoreline that was fairly large. It was in about 15 ft of water and had a secondary edge that was in 17-22 ft. The structure was mostly sand with rocks and occasional weeds. This was what we were looking for. We tried pulling cranks and jigging, with limited success. Then we started pulling spinners with crawlers and our luck turned quickly. We started catching fish immediately and landed multiple fish on the same pass. Most of the fish were bigger in the 20-25 inch range. We hit the MOTHER LOAD.

    On day 4 and 5 we hit other areas, but mostly concentrated out effort on this large flat and were rewarded with many BIG fish. We caught good # of fish in the 24-27 inch range with 1 28 inch and 2 29 inch walleyes. On 1 pass we had both boats side by side and my brother Al got the 28”, then my Dad laced up a 29”, my brother Chris got a 25” and I followed the rear with a 24 inch walleye.

    If I had to say what lure made our trip it was DEFINITELY Jolly Roger Spinners. We tried other spinners as well, but the fish wanted Jolly Roger Spinners with crawlers badly. They outperformed anything else 3 or 4 to 1 hands down. If you did not have a Jolly Roger on your line then you were NOT catching fish! Without them we would not have had the trip we did. Our best colors were: Electric Perch, Firebelly, Firetiger, Purple Minnow, and sunrise Craw.
    thank you Shawn

    It was an unbelievable trip. All of us made personal bests on that trip and boated so many big walleye it was truly a trip to remember. Of course we will be going back to the same lake next year.

    Posts: 149

    Nice, I am so jealous. Ontario?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    those are some nice looking fish, they have shoulders.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    No doubt, lots of BIG fish. Looks somewhat untypical of your avg. fly-in where numbers are the name of the game. Congrats on a great outing, glad to see you unlocked the pattern and had a fun trip!


    Posts: 1748

    sounds like a Great trip all right

    weather – family and fish — hard 2 beat

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131


    You are exactly correct. For whatever reason this lake is known for BIG walleye, but not BIG numbers. It is a trade for quality versus quantity. I have gone to other lakes only a few miles for this one where you can catch at least 50 walleye per person per day averaging 16-20 inches.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Looks like a great trip. Congrats! Can you tell us the name of the lake/outfitter?

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131

    Wilderness Air out of Vermilion Bay Ontario

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Great job figuring out the pattern and nice write up for the rest of us! Good to see hard work paying off.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758


    Ben I know you were excited about your trip to Canada, now I can see why! I bet your boy was loving all of your pictures. I’m sure he’ll be making the trip up with you in a few years. I think he said he get’s to go when he’s 10 right? Again… nice job!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    You are exactly correct. For whatever reason this lake is known for BIG walleye, but not BIG numbers. It is a trade for quality versus quantity. I have gone to other lakes only a few miles for this one where you can catch at least 50 walleye per person per day averaging 16-20 inches.

    That’s a trade I’d make every time. Awesome report by the way!

    Posts: 145

    Awesome report Ben! Glad the spinners turned on the fish for you guys. I think you need to update your profile pic to this one!

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I’ve flown in ~ 10 times. The walleyes usually maxed out at 27″ with lots of (15 to 24)”. Those walleyes are bigger than the average fly in eyes I’ve run across. Usually it’s the pike that have the size up north and the eyes have the numbers. This is OK for me since I like pan sized walleyes for dinner, however I wouldn’t mind latching on to a couple 10-12 pounders.

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