Starter Lures for Laker fishing

  • Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723

    What would be a great set of lures for a beginner to laker fishing? My family will be fishing Cliff Lake Ontario starting May 19th for the first time! I have purchased 3/4 and 1 oz white jigs with tubes. Might get some flukes? What else should I try? Not sure what depths the fish will be at but does someone have some recommendations on presentations for a range of depths! My budget is kind of limited so some good producing go-tos are what I’m looking for!!



    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1301

    Never fished cliff lake but have fished lake athapapuskow in MB for 15 years. The largest fish caught over the years has been caught on jigs and sucker meat. We let the jigs sit right on the bottom with a tight line and you have to pay attention to when they pick it up as the bite is very light. We fish 110′ of water as one of the fisherman we fish with with has kept a log and the bigger ones are more often deep, we generally fish the 2nd week of june. We have caught many master lake trout this way (in mb a master lake trout is 35″ or over and we have caught many over 40″) this method works well for big fish but also puts good numbers in the boat. Good luck hope this helps. Can’t wait to get up there and after them!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778

    The few times I’ve fished lakers in Canada I’ve had good success with the same tactics I do here on Lake MI. 4-6″ Flukes in white, clear/silver fleck, Baby bass, and smoke /gold fleck. 1/4 to 5/8 oz jigs pending depth and action. If they are sky rocketting up on baits, the 1/4 has a slow fall and works great. If htey are belly to the bottom, I go heavier.
    Jigging spoons in silver, gold, chartreuse, and gold/orange have also done very well for me.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    Jiggin’ spoons and even daredevils… my buddy jigged lakers 65 feet down on red eyes…

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