Canada reports

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We leave this Sunday for our annual week long goose/duck hunting trip in Manitoba. Getting everything ready this week and really getting pumped to go.

    Anyone been up to Canada this fall waterfowl hunting? Any reports?

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Nobody? Nothing??? I see it is going to rain 5 of the 7 days we are there and snow one of them. Hope that forecast is wrong doah

    Well, I guess I will have to be the first to report back on the waterfowl hunting in Canada when I return.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Please do! I was up fishing a tournament on the rainy river all last week there was a ton of geese and good amount of ducks around! It’s nice and cold up there we had frost 3 mornings.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Oh man do I want to do this sometime. That would be so awesome.

    My relatives in Saskatoon said they had never seen so many ducks and geese as they have this September. Maybe it’s the weather moving them or maybe it was the harvest timing.

    You’re going to take a GoPro right? Take some movies for the poor working classes to enjoy.


    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    What I really want is a GoPro video of Sticker with a GoPro strapped to his head.

    I may be able to arrange that…but it will cost ya! The tranquilizers alone to put that man down long enough to pull off this stunt would cost hundreds!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    It’s probably just my personal hangup, but I’ve found that the thing about having stuff strapped to my head is that I forget I have things strapped to my head after a while.

    For example. My freaking garage door opener went bad one December. It was that sacrificial plastic drive gear that always goes bad when it gets cold.

    So I’m up in the rafters with my Petzel headlamp on trying to get the drive gear out to replace it. I finally get it out and go to the garage door place for parts, but first I have to stop for gas because the freaking tank is empty. Then my wife calls and says swing by the store, I need a cake mix. So I do that. Finally, I walk in and I’m giving them the model number and whatnot to the garge door guys and the guys behind the counter start laughing and finally one says, “It’s kind of easy to forget you have a headlamp on, isn’t it.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Oh man do I want to do this sometime. That would be so awesome.

    My relatives in Saskatoon said they had never seen so many ducks and geese as they have this September. Maybe it’s the weather moving them or maybe it was the harvest timing.

    You’re going to take a GoPro right? Take some movies for the poor working classes to enjoy.


    Yes we will have several go pros going. My brother put together a real nice video a few years back from this trip. Still fun to watch that.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    “It’s kind of easy to forget you have a headlamp on, isn’t it.

    Grouse you should have hit him with a deep theological comment.

    “Well Garage door man…in a world full of darkness…it never hurts to shine a little light”


    Bill Boyd
    Warroad, MN
    Posts: 132

    Just returned from Sask. Lots of birds also lots of HOT! Days in the 70″s. Not what makes for good waterfowl hunting but a very good trip.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Just returned Saturday evening from a great week in Manitoba. The weather was awful, even for a duck. We arrived Sunday about 1pm, by 4pm it was raining. Monday morning while setting up our spread the sky was filled with cloud to cloud lightning shock We got in a couple hours of hunting before the sky opened up. By 10:30am I called the hunt because we were afraid we wouldn’t be able to get out of the field. We barely did, but it was very sloppy and a close call. Our other group wasn’t so lucky, we ended up getting them out though. Both groups did end up with 7 Canada geese and a 3 man limit of mallards.

    The next day we woke up to pouring rain doah We still had half the decoys from the other group in the field, so we walked in, reset them and stood in the cattails next to a slew. Dad was the only smart one that stayed back. 5 of use got some ducks and geese then called the hunt about 10am soaking wet and hand carried the last of the gear out of that field.

    Tuesday night we found geese and ducks in a couple areas while scouting so we had good places to hunt Wednesday morning. My son, father and I managed to get 13 Canada geese and 7 or 8 ducks that morning, just 2 short of the goose limit. The other guys had less luck. The geese using that field have moved west of town. Other than Monday morning we hadn’t been able to drive in the fields so this was limiting our hunts a little. We were able to get in our field after the hunt Wednesday, but then it rain again after that and that was it for driving in the fields for the week.

    Wednesday night we found a pea field full of geese. With high winds, snow and blizzard conditions in the forecast for Thursday we opted to all go to the same field we had scouted, set up on a fence row with 5 dozen full body Canada decoys and pretty much pass shoot the geese coming into the field. This worked out pretty good. We got 23 Canada geese and 10 snows and around 10 mallards for the day. Not sure how much snow we got, but it blew 40 plus mph all morning and snowed the entire time.

    Thursday night scouting found all the geese in the area still using that pea field so Friday morning we relocated in that field with the same set up. Another good goose day bringing 24 Canada geese to the ground and no ducks or snow geese. Still had a good strong wind, but only snow flurries that day.

    The totals were 84 Canada geese, 12 snows, and 82 ducks, mostly mallards, but a few gadwals and pintails. By far some of the worst weather we have had in the 12 plus years we have been going there, but this year was the highest goose population we have ever seen. Most of the ducks headed south Wednesday night before the snow, but the geese stayed and I think even more came in. Another great week in Manitoba despite some limiting conditions. Here are some pics from the week.

    1. getting-ready.jpg

    2. day-one-me-and-boys.jpg

    3. day-two-5-guys.jpg

    4. decoy-spread.jpg

    5. day-3-bag.jpg

    6. josh-dad-day-3.jpg

    7. me-and-dad-day-3.jpg

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