Canada fishing trip resorts (late June/July)

  • Joe Jobe
    Posts: 4


    My family and I are discussing a walleye trip in Canada, but we don’t know where to go. My family is large (12 adults and 7ish kids) of course we understand that’s difficult for housing so we’re not opposed for getting two cabins. We would like a resorts that’s kinda kid friendly and good walleye fishing. We would like to stay in the Ontario area since it’s not a bad drive. So if you have any good info on some resorts I would appreciate it! Thanks!

    Posts: 38

    Have you considered getting into some greenbacks on Winnipeg? The average size up there will more than make up for the action you’ll get elsewhere. They say a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day of work; I say a bad day of fishing on Winnipeg is better than a good day on lake of the woods.

    It’s not much further, depending on where you are.
    Resort-wise, I don’t know. Quite a few Airbnb’s up there.

    There are good multispecies fishing spots up in Ontario around kenora but you said walleye specifically.

    Tom Bisel
    Posts: 33

    My son will be working at Maynard Lake lodge this summer. We booked a trip last year to meet the owners and check out the lake. Fishing was the best I have had on a Canada trip. They fly out of Kenora. All inclusive resort in the back country of Ontario. You won’t be dissappointed if you travel there.

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    I doubt he has availability for a group that big, but I’d try giving Ian a call at Five Lakes Lodge. Great walleye fishing on Gull Rock Lake, or on the other lakes in the chain(Two Island, Red, Keg).

    As a bonus, there’s BIG northern in that lake as well. Ian runs an amazing camp and will take care of you.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Check out Pasha Lake Cabins

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    Flag Island is a really nice option. You actually stay in Minnesota, but we fished in CA most of the time. Nice to have both options available. They have big cabins and a great restaraunt.

    Joe Jobe
    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the response’s! I will look into all them!

    Brian G
    Independence, MN
    Posts: 161

    Call and talk to Gail and Steve at Witch Bay Camp.

    They’re on a very secluded part of Lake of the Woods, and great fishing is very close to camp.

    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    Paridise Cove in Minaki Ontario CA nice cabins we stayed in the ones that have 4 bedrooms sleeps I think around 12. 2 bathrooms and 2 fridges
    Duane and Cory Hell

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    Give Lee a call at Wrights Wilderness Camp. Some of the best fishing in Ontario and Lee and Stephanie will take care of you. Nice newer cabins on a protected bay.

    Posts: 340

    Stayed at Tall Pines resort on Wabaskang a few years ago, and had a pretty good time. We did decent for walleye (20-50 a day), but there are also a bunch of options for pike and perch, if the kids want to do something different. Cabins and resort were in great shape, and the drive was pretty easy.

    Another one I’ve done is Dogtooth, which is just east of LOW and a short drive across the border. They have things like kayak rentals and a swim platform and slide for the kids, but also the potential for 15lb walleye! I wouldn’t expect numbers there though, so that might put a damper on it for he kids. We did find a back bay that let us put the hammer on a few dozen 10-14″ crappie though, I’m sure that would be a blast for them. It’s also a relatively short drive to Kenora, which has pretty much anything you need, and would be a good option if some of the group wanted to spend a day away from the resort.

    There are a ton of options in Ontario, so narrowing down your search by prioritizing what you care most about might help. Creature comforts and amenities? Quality of fishing? Remoteness, or lack thereof? Price can also be a deciding factor, as well as things like American plans or boat rentals and guides, depending on what you’re looking for.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Pasha lake, without a doubt! Chad, Michelle, and company are as good, and as kid friendly as they come. They live in the states during the offseason. I know them , not as resort owners, but as everyday salt of the earth folks. During covid, Ontario closed its borders. Chad went out of his way to keep the place open, and keep his people employed dispite the lack of clientele. This type of concern (he could have closed the doors) for his crew needs to be recognized and paid back with our business.

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