Can the Pack beat the Vikes

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    It’s a privately held web site. I don’t think we as free users can make the rules. If they come on tomorrow and say no talking about Lunds, Warriors or 3 way rigs then thats it. Options for us are simple, conform to the rules, move on or start our own site.

    Handle it any way you like. I’m out.

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    DB, you make no sense whatsoever. You failed to address any of the key points I mentioned. Let me make it a little more clear, I read the site rules. I did not violate any of them. You and Jon however, did in your political posts related to BLM.

    I can and will follow the rules of being family friendly when and if said rules are posted. But I won’t alter my relatively harmless posts just because a few gentlemen are feeling prudish about the low brow humor.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Back to the OP….

    Vikes and Pack fans enjoy your super bowl this weekend. If you’re lucky, you might get 1 more later this season….exactly 1.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    I see AP now has his own line of switches available at walmart. Do you guys think the switch business will be profitable for him? I guess they’re being touted as a viable tool for ranchers and cattleman. The picture on the label shows AP on a cattle drive out west. He’s wearing a cowboy hat and double fisting his top of the line switches.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    JD or Deb Dallas or whoever you are when you log in. If you were wondering where the line is that should not be crossed, you found it. Keep it clean or the IP address for these (this) account will be blocked.

    I would suggest Deb Dallas (or whoever you are) keep on topic. None of us care about the status of your STD’s.

    Feel free to PM me or James Holst @jamesholst if this is not clear.

    Thank you,

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    Speaking of many current topics/news today, could be labeled political and most times even religious. I have seen the line crossed for political and for religious and the posts dusted… if kept civil, IDO is pretty good about letting people share their thoughts and ideas about many topics… when they get out of line, they get dusted. I think it is good for todays young people to see civil debates and see different view points… but as far as content sexual in nature (especially degrading to women, I would imagine IDO tries to welcome young ladies) I say dust them immediately.

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    I would suggest Deb Dallas (or whoever you are) keep on topic. None of us care about the status of your STD’s.

    Congrats Jon, your one and only great power in this world is the ability to arbitrarily enforce non-existing rules on a site with about 20 active daily users. Enjoy your moment.

    PM sent to Jon and James. Just looking for clarity on what the rules are and how they are to be evenly enforced. Sorry big_g, while I agree that any topic should be allowed, there is a written rule about politics and religion. I am far more offended by violations of that than any playful sex talk by a fictional character.

    So to each their own. And you all know dang well I never said anything degrading to or about women. So let’s be intellectually honest. Deb is a playful character designed to liven up a dying forum.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have my queens jersey all cleaned and pressed for Monday’s celebration of stamping on the pack.

    The faces of packer fans will be on milk cartons across the midwest starting Sunday.

    Just remembering the days of pre Favr`e warms my soul when the pack were a humiliation to any person wearing a cheese hat.

    The good ol’ days are back folks!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    I had a sales rep from Sconny in my office on wednesday… after her pitch, I asked if she was a Packer fan… I kid you not, I swear I seen some tears… devil

    Posts: 2385

    packers o-line dinged up
    lions beat them last week
    if the vikes don’t beat them they should be embarrassed.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    “IF they don’t beat them”??

    I don’t like your negativity Len. ;)

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    Already off the Packer wagon… rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11101

    packers o-line dinged up
    lions beat them last week
    if the vikes don’t beat them they should be embarrassed.

    Now that’s being Proactive, spoken like a true Cheesehead. LOL

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Respectfully Jon, there is no clear line or disclaimer on this site about being “family oriented”.

    Here’s the “site rules” everyone must agree to at the time of registration.

    1) In-Depth Outdoors offers these forums to anglers and hunters of all experience levels and interests. We are here to learn and grow together and to have fun. Be kind to one another. Be helpful when possible and take the time to share your enjoyment of the outdoors with others.

    Members posting rude, vulgar, inflammatory, hostile, consistently negative or demeaning posts or content are subject to suspension, ban or deletion of the respective member account. In the event that a member’s account is suspended, banned or deleted the posts and or content submitted to the website under that account remain the sole property of the site owner.

    2) Spamming of our membership is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in the immediate suspension / deletion of your user account.

    3) All items for sale are to be posted in the classified ads section. No exceptions.

    4) Display names may not be vulgar or offensive in any way, even if cleverly disguised, and display names are to remain free of advertising information unless the user is given expressed permission to do so by IDO.

    5) Any messages or information you post to the forum becomes the sole property of the site operator and may or may not be displayed, at the sole discretion of the site operator. If a member account is deleted FOR ANY REASON the materials posted under the deleted account remain the sole property of the site operator.

    6) The posting of copyrighted or illegal material is prohibited– you must obey all applicable local laws, including those of the server and site owner. You may not post information invasive of another person’s personal privacy rights, harassment, libelous, or information of a confidential or copyrighted nature.

    7) This forum is provided as a public service and your usage of this service may be terminated at any time by the site operator without prior notice. Information submitted to the system should not be considered confidential or private and may be revealed as part of normal system operations.

    8) *** We respect your right to your privacy! Will not sell or use your email address to contact you in any way except to authorize your member registration. ***

    9) No warranty of service is implied.

    10) These “Terms of Use and Privacy” may be changed or altered by IDO at any time without notice.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Deb is a playful character designed to liven up a dying forum.

    We didn’t ask for your help. JD WInston… let’s talk fishing or other topics related to the outdoors. Maybe even sports. The Deb Dallas charade needs to come to an end. Thank you.

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    Here’s the “site rules” everyone must agree to at the time of registration.

    OK James, you have made it clear that you can copy and paste. But nothing in those rules against what I did. I should NOT have had my post deleted.

    Second, you have elected to ignore my second request to have your brand of justice delivered fairly and remove the political posts. But that is still there in spite of a super clear stated rule that there should be none. You want to side with your site admins in the face of clear logic, fine, have your little boys club. Just don’t pretend to have integrity around me.

    We didn’t ask for your help. JD WInston…

    Now that comment is juvenile and just plain rude and has no point. The only reason for that response is that it is true, the forums are dying off and you are defensive about it. Ask around, most fellas see a drop in traffic and in topic quality. I wonder if it has anything to do with the way you run things James?

    But I gotta admit, you and the fellas taught me a lot over the years (about fishing, not integrity) and I appreciate it more than you know. So thanks.

    Toodles, it was fun while it lasted. Count me out. Something tells me that the life if THIS post is limited. lol!

    Posts: 19584

    i’m soo stoked for the game this sunday, I just hope the recent Vikings team shows up and not the imposters who got killed opening night. I really hope they bring the pain to Rodgers…

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Ok, Mr JD Winston. Lets get a few facts straightened out.

    None of your posts were deleted. (Posts made by JD Winston.)

    One post made by Deb Dallas was deleted. This post was some weird brag about transmitting STD’s to a certain football player. Completely out of line for this website and way off track for this post about the game. Had you realized this and just let go, none of this bickering would have happened. You and your alter ego could have just kept on going. Like I said, if you were looking for that line that should not be crossed, you found it. (For you younger folks Deb Dallas or Debbie Does Dallas was a porn star from the 70’s)

    Until this morning, I personally had no idea you and Deb Dallas were the same person. That in itself is also weird. Is JD Winston a real person or some other alter ego? How many user names do you own?

    If you are so self centered that you believe the posts from your alter ego actually increased traffic to IDO, you need to seek professional help.

    There are no political post on the forums. There are current event posts that have value for some of us.

    I have a box full of messages that agree with my decision to dust that post. Deb Dallas will not be missed by anyone.


    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Rumor has it ARodg gave his gf the boot so he can concentrate more on football. It’s a no brainer that the Pack will win now.

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    The Packers remind me of the Brewers two summers ago. Lead the division for 5 months…”this is the big year”….then implosion. I hope I’m wrong, but my Packer glass is half full lately.

    Posts: 1148

    What if I told you the packers will lose this game and still win the division? Not totally hard to believe. Are the packers a good team slumping or were they a bad team that got lucky? I think most reasonable football minds would agree to the former.

    The vikings have a tough schedule. I think they lose the next 3 after this week. The Giants will be tough, and then green Bay to close it out. I fully expect that if the vikings win this week, week 17 is for the division. If they lose this week the vikings finish 9-7 and the packers 11-5,12-4. If the vikings win I think they go 10-6 and the packers 11-5

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    To answer the question. Of course the Pack will win. yay

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    packers o-line dinged up
    lions beat them last week
    if the vikes don’t beat them they should be embarrassed.

    so “how embarrassed” are hah Packers for losing to the Lions ? should the Vikings be “more or less” embarrassed, if lost to the Packers ? sounds like an excuse and a cop out all in one post ??? devil jester

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    I’ve got an uneasy feeling about the vikes. If the pack plays with no penalties the game is theirs. Face it many of the games the vikes won the losing teams beat themselves with penalties.
    I know at the end of the game for the vikes last week they were playing prevent but they looked flat in the secondary as for fallow through on tackles. Any resemblance of that Rogers is going to have a big game.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Am I losing it? Didn’t the noon game start with washington & carolina? Went and did some errands and the cowboys were on when I tooned in at 2:30

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Am I losing it? Didn’t the noon game start with washington & carolina? Went and did some errands and the cowboys were on when I tooned in

    Carolina was up 38 – 14 early 3rd quarter. Washington looked like they gave up. FOX pulled the plug and switched games.


    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Thanks, I hate that feeling when I think I’m losing it. lol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11101

    I’m officially off the Vikings bandwagon, for the 54 straight year. I’m moving to sconny!

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