Can-Am Maverick X3 X rs or Polaris RZR XP Turbo Dynamix?

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    I’m thinking of getting one for trail riding. Drove the Can-Am RC down on the beach in Mexico, even though they governed it up it was powerful.
    Suspension was amazing, could of had a margarita in a red solo and wouldn’t have spilled a drop climbing dunes.

    Haven’t drove the RZR. yet.

    I went online to do a build with both but I need more info than what they can provide. Sensory overload.
    What options are a must?

    I won’t be running it very hard, but want it to be comfortable. With big tires and alot of power, just in case. wink

    Any thoughts, comments, advice would be great.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Took us 8 months to get our X3 last year. Ordered Aug of 2021.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    Took us 8 months to get our X3 last year. Ordered Aug of 2021.

    shock Didn’t want to hear that.
    Do you have a dealer you would recommend?

    South end
    Posts: 751

    I bought my Defender from the Power Lodge south of Onamia.
    I believe they handle both Bombarier & Polaris at that store.
    Service wise they havebeen outstanding on a frame & canopy for my toon hoist & a part from their Baxter store for my toons Merc.
    Truely good people in my experiance.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    Thanks Puller –
    That’s on the way up to the cabin. I think I’ll slide on in there next week.

    Posts: 890

    Go with the X3. The 900 turbo R has been proven turn key for many years now and doesn’t disappoint.

    Posts: 952

    You definitely need to see both models. The Can Am seemed to be lower where you feel like you are in it and the Polaris RZR seems higher. Kind of like a car compared to a truck. Maybe not that extreme but there is a difference.

    IMO they both are nice machines but the Polaris does have more issues.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I cant really recommend any particular dealer. Basically whichever one can get it the fastest. Warranty is only 3 months so we saw no reason to only buy at the closest dealer. We put money down at two places and went with the first to put us on “the list”. Ended up buying at Tousley. I don’t know if supply chains have improved. We have been very happy with our X3 DS RR. I know nothing about the Polaris turbos.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    Call Olson’s in north branch. They have been good to me.

    Posts: 4802

    if your dead set on a x3 make sure its the 64″ wide model. the 72″ wont be legal on mn trails. take your time and look at all the machines and brands. i just got a new yamaha RMAX4 a couple months ago and like it so far.

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 613

    You should be able to walk into a dealer and buy a brand new X3 right now. Last I looked there were dealers in Red Wing and Rochester that had some in stock. The bottom fell out of the S X S market in the fall. Not sure if it will come back in the spring or not, so if you want one I’d grab it now.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I haven’t been in that Can Am, but have been in that Polaris.

    Agreed with what was said above about the market and availability. If you are willing to travel a couple hours in any direction, you should be able to get it one immediately. Inventory has rebounded and dealers are starting to realize sales aren’t a given as they have been now with interest rates exploding.

    I went with an uncle to pick up a side by side at M&M Sport and Leisure in Rushford MN right before Christmas and they had a solid inventory. He looked at it the previous week, called with an offer one night and said he’d be in the next morning. It was a 2022 General XP 4 seater with a bunch of accessories.

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