Calling Livescope owners, my Livescope image is “rocking,” am I alone?

  • icefanatic11
    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve recently been having issues with my livescope image rocking or swinging side to side when it is deployed and in forward and down view while on the ice. It will normally settle out after a few minutes, but it is extremely frustrating. I’m mostly interested if anyone else has experienced this? Any troubleshooting tips to solve this issue? I’ve looked a lot of places online including Garmin but have yet to discover any solution, if there even is one. The only thing I’ve seen suggested is to recalibrate the compass, but I’m unable to do that if it isn’t mounted on a boat.

    Posts: 12758

    Probably a stupid question but how would it know if it’s mounted on a boat or sitting on a work bench or table.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    Not a stupid question, I thought the exact same thing myself when I was testing it out. But when I try to recalibrate, the unit will display a message saying something to the effect that this operation is not possible. Regardless of how, or why it knows that, I haven’t gotten past that screen that blocks the recalibration from occurring.

    Ty Kennedy
    Posts: 147

    You need to change the pitch setting off of auto. I can’t quite remember which setting it’s under off the main menu but if you find where to toggle AHRS on or off you’re close.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    Thanks Ty, I’ve been scouring the internet and the AHRS is the closest I’ve come to anything that is remotely close to addressing the issue. I’ll be sure to try it out next time I’m on the ice. I just found it hard to believe that finding info about troubleshooting this issue was so tough to find in this digital age where everyone has youtube and message board threads about their electronics. Perplexingly nonetheless.

    Ty Kennedy
    Posts: 147

    No problem hope it helps. I always had issues on the ice hole hopping seems like the transducer would get disoriented if moved on an odd plane. And yeah I agree on the lack of info only reason I found it was just messing with all the setting. As such: you could also wait until it orients itself to normal and at that point turn AHRS off but it won’t allow you to use a calibrated compass with that combination. Also. One last thing: I found that manually setting the pitch while somewhere you know is flat out like 120-150 feet worked super well for me so I could line up the far right side of the screen and make it level.

    Posts: 811

    My unit did this as well. Some potential fixes…reboot the device to factory setting, turn off AHRS, manual pitch setting, and re-calibrate the compass. Also, is the software updated to the most current version? This issue is definitely fixable.

    Posts: 19496

    You’re going to want to get used to keeping everything on manual adjustments, the auto adjustments can cause goofy issues from time to time…

    You’re typically only adjusting the depth/range/gain and color limit 99% of the time anyways, nothing else…

    Posts: 57

    Same issue for me and plenty of guys I know. The only way I have been able to fix it is to “disable sonar” each time I move. It is a pain in the butt, but not as bad as having to go in adjust the pitch or restart at each hole. I have gotten in such a habit that I don’t really think about it now. Next best thing is to be real careful when you move and keep the transducer orientation as vertical as possible, but for me that is not feasible.

    Biggest problem is when it is cold out and you have to take your gloves/mittens off to do it.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    I appreciate all of the feedback everyone, many thanks. I will try out some of these and hopefully some combination fixes the issue.

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