Caliber for new AR build

  • kbmwer
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    Looking to build a new AR and I know the folks on here will be able to help me decide on which caliber to build. First I should explain a couple things.. I already built a 5.56 AR for general target practice and shooting fun. I am also getting into doing my own reloading and will use this rifle to play with different loads. I am looking for this one to get started in longer range target shooting and also be able to get into coyote hunting. The 2 frontrunners coming out of the gate are the .224 Valkyrie and the 6.5 Grendel. Let me know your thoughts and experience with each. I appreciate in advance your replies!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    Look at the price and availability of brass if you are thinking about reloading. That will do a lot to drive your decision. Valkyrie brass is hard to obtain.

    In the eastern 2/3 of MN, the best coyote rifle is a 12 gauge shotgun. Just saying don’t let coyotes drive your decision, the reality of hunting the eastern coyote is that all that BS you see on TV shows with coyotes happily bouncing across 3 miles of open range to get shot at 400 yards almost never happens in the east. Eastern coyotes are a totally different game.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    Grouse is right about the ‘yotes. Definitely, something to consider. On that note, I do hunt a fair amount over fields and take 75-250yrd shots fairly regularly.

    I have the usual suspect calibers in the safe but am currently piecing together components for a 6 ARC build. Might want to look into that one before buying any parts…if you can find them. I’m an FFL with wholesale account access and it’s still nearly impossible to find anything good in stock right now.

    Good luck and keep us updated on what you decide to go with!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    Thanks for the insight! I have not looked at that caliber but will now. The shotgun advice sounds great. Would you use buckshot, #2 or similar? I am not in a rush as you are both correct on ammo shortage and rifle parts. It is crazy how low the availability is on almost everything. I will keep updating the post and post a picture whenever I finally complete the build.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    Would you use buckshot, #2 or similar?

    I use Hornaday’s Dead Coyote loads in BB. Absolutely hammers them.

    I was not happy with buckshot loads. 00 has so few pellets that just by bad luck I hit coyotes, but the pellet hits were in poor non-vital places just due to the lack of pellet count. #2 buck might be ok, but try to FIND any when you want it and also I like 3 inch and in buck 2.75 is the default. Much easier just to get the Hornaday loads.

    Good luck on the build. If the past gun panics are any guide, stuff should start coming back in stock in early 2022. doah coffee

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Me personally if going to get serous about long range then either 6MM or .308. Easy to find supplies to reload either and great long distance rounds.

    Posts: 756

    .224 valk is a fun round for yotes. my buddy shot 30-35 last fall with his. For straight up long range I’d go 6.5 grendel though. Especially if you want to run a shorter barrel.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1599

    #4 buckshot is great on coyotes, 41 pellets in a 3 inch shell. Currently hard to find and >$1 per shell. Grouse’s recommendation of BB shot works, especially when they pop out of the brush 15 yards away from you.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    Well I finished the build and decided to go with the 6.5 Grendel. I figure reloading supplies and even ammo will be tight regardless so this round seems to give me greater flexibility. My buddy talked about going on a hog hunt which I haven’t done for years so the 6.5 should be well suited to that. Ended up going with a Bear Creek upper with a 20″ heavy fluted barrel and side charging handle. The reviews online were mixed but a friend picked up one of their uppers and really liked it so I gave it a go. I like the fit and finish on the one that arrived but I have not shot it yet so we will see about the accuracy. Thanks everyone for your input and have a happy and safe holidays!

    1. 6.5-Grendel-AR.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Looks nice.

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