Cabela's is terrible

  • Joe Marzullo
    Posts: 2

    I bought outdoor gear from Cabela’s since forever, had a black card, spent thousands of dollars there. NO MORE. Cancelled the card since the merger with Bass Pros. Products are lower quality, sales people are dumb and product availability is crappy. Some time went by and I gave them another chance. Big mistake. I bought a pair of boots in two sizes to be sure of correct fit. I tried them on, picked one and sent the other back within two days. That was almost a month ago, contacted customer service who informed me the refund would take an additional 6-8 weeks. “They are so sorry for inconvenience”…BS…WTF is that. Grrrrrr…They are thieves now, not only terrible service but fail to return your money. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS OUTFIT. Cabela’s as we all knew it is dead and buried, only the name remains the same…RIP

    Posts: 12741

    Sometimes it takes a while for people to see the light. whistling

    Welcome to IDO. You will fit right in.

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    Many store’s returns aren’t as good as they used to be. It probably has something to do with people abusing the system, like buying two of something when only planning to keep one.

    Posts: 4800

    I don’t buy much from cabelas since there is a scheels in my town. But I did order 4 ice rods online from bass pro and they had a $10 off coupon and free shipping for signing up my email and they were at my door in 2 days. I was actually impressed.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    It seems like only yesterday that GM was the worst scum of the earth and Cabelas was the holy land….and now that GM is gone Cabelas is trash….typical internet, gotta complain about something.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I think their quality and service has gone down too since Bass Pro bought them. For years they would stand by their brand name products and replace them without question. Not so much anymore.

    They still have the best selection of items in terms of fishing tackle in my area. Unfortunately, this year, not so much. But other retail stores weren’t any better either so no one was immune in 2020.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Hop on 65 hit Capras, Thorne Bros, and Vados, swing around and hit up FFarm. Good products, knowledgable staff at except FF. Or go to Joes, great service, staff knows the products, little expensive but they have very good sales.

    Posts: 2687

    The new and improved Khol-bela’s is a great place to buy over priced, cheaply made clothing. Cheap clothes at expensive prices, with employees plucked like low hanging fruit from the shallow end of the gene pool.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Bass Pro has turned Cabela’s into the Kmart of outdoor stores.

    Cabela’s used to be my go to. As soon as Bass Pro took over, I could see it was all downhill. Haven’t been in a store or looked at the website for well over a year.


    Mike m
    Posts: 237

    It seems like only yesterday that GM was the worst scum of the earth and Cabelas was the holy land….and now that GM is gone Cabelas is trash….typical internet, gotta complain about something.

    it was yesterday that gm turned into scum , thats why they went under. Cabelas used to be a go to destination for me . Since bass pro took them over , the decline of service and quality is remarkable . Wont go there again. Scheels will get my business .

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hop on 65 hit Capras, Thorne Bros, and Vados,

    Will they ship two pairs in two sizes so you can send the one that doesn’t fit back? coffee

    I’m sorry, it might be the way I was brought up but if I have to order two of something on line to make sure one fits, I’ll wait to go into the store. ‘Course I’m not in that big of a hurry that I can’t wait.

    Joe Marzullo
    Posts: 2

    Thanks for your opinion…but…
    Just to make it clear, I called and asked Cabela’s if ordering two size boots was ok, i would send one back quickly. They replied that is fine and would refund money paid for return quickly. As you can read from my post that did not happen.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    I do shop in all 3 big stores but one thing that puts a burr in my rear end is when you no more then the person that is waiting on you. One store the person doesn’t like fishing. She said it hurts the fish. Go figure!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Ya know, everybody sits and complains about service, lack of knowledge. But the number one thing people complain about is price. But it takes money to get knowledgeable people to stay with the job. It takes money to to get people to provide service. But everybody wants to squeeze the internet nickel out of every purchase.

    Thorne Brothers, Capra’s, Joe’s are all good suggestions that we hear very few complaints about. They have long term employees with knowledge of the products and location. Are the prices higher? Ya maybe. But are the hassles lower?

    If you wanna sit on your a$$ and buy online don’t complain about the lack of service. Had you not been so lazy, you could have walked into any store and found the boot that fit. Granted, you then wouldn’t have come on the internet and complained.

    I have no sympathy for internet buyers. You get what you get, live with it. This country & economy chugged along just fine without internet retailers for over 100 years. I’m not so sure that can be said today.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I have no sympathy for internet buyers. You get what you get, live with it.

    I’ve never been a big fan of buying clothes or shoes or boots online because you can’t try them on before you make a purchase. Sure, if they don’t fit when they arrive, you can ship them back for another size but I always found that to be a big inconvenience and it was so much easier to buy the right size in person to begin with.

    Posts: 195

    No credible source, but I heard a rumor the other day that Cabelas may be going under. Wouldn’t surprise me.

    For a big store, Scheels has been incredible. They always have most stuff stocked and their customer service can’t be beat. The new one in Eden Prairie is massive.

    For smaller outfits, don’t forget about Reeds! They always have good sales and their customer service is fantastic as well.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    i agree with BK, dutchy and gimrius………if i cant see it, touch it i dont buy it. i will not buy online!!!!!!! i need to go into a store to get what i want.

    if i dont like it, it dont fit, not what i wanted, then its my own damn fault.

    i will google something to get an idea but i find that kind of a PIA too sometimes. maybe its my age showing!!!! rotflol

    Posts: 6687

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tim hurley wrote:</div>
    Hop on 65 hit Capras, Thorne Bros, and Vados,

    Will they ship two pairs in two sizes so you can send the one that doesn’t fit back? coffee

    I’m sorry, it might be the way I was brought up but if I have to order two of something on line to make sure one fits, I’ll wait to go into the store. ‘Course I’m not in that big of a hurry that I can’t wait.

    If you had my feet, you’d be waiting a long time – haven’t tried on a shoe or boot in a store in 15 years.

    Size 15 or 16 Wide or Double Wide.

    Same with pants and shirts – everything has been online for me for YEARS! Been too tall for stores for a long time now.

    However, I’m terrible at returning; more times than not I’ll give it to someone else vs dealing with returns.

    I have no sympathy for internet buyers.

    Somethings are forced.
    When i was in highschool, we’d have to order from EastBay for shoes! Internet was just the new magazine years later… waytogo

    Clothes back then… JCPENNY special orders…Never the size in stock.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The Owatonna store was dismal the last time we stopped there a year or so ago. The Cabelas in Rapid City South Dakota should be the standard for all Cabelas. When we stopped there last year they had an outstanding store that reminded me of the old Cabelas. Everything was well stocked and the floor people seemed to be very well educated in what they were assigned to assist in selling.

    Bass Pro I will not even look at. After having visited three or four of them prior to the Cabelas merger I was convinced that the BPs were junk yards.

    Zack Shack Guy
    Posts: 39

    I was just commenting to someone today that all my non-work clothes (and some of my work clothes) used to come from Cabelea’s margin cave. Once they got rid of that, I think I have spent $50 at Cabela’s, and that’s only because I had a $50 gift card.

    Used to be my go to store, but not anymore. When Gander Outdoors was in Eden Prairie, I actually thought it had a good selection and prices on Ice Fishing gear, but they are no longer there. As for Scheel’s, not overly impressed with their ice fishing selection. So, my go to store know is Fleet Farm, and as an added bonus, I can get half of my grocery shopping done there as well!!!

    Posts: 756

    Thanks for your opinion…but…
    Just to make it clear, I called and asked Cabela’s if ordering two size boots was ok, i would send one back quickly. They replied that is fine and would refund money paid for return quickly. As you can read from my post that did not happen.

    Literally 1 click on the website and there’s a big red disclaimer:

    *Please accept our apologies for any additional time required to process returns during these unprecedented times. We remain committed to helping you get your refund or exchange as quickly as possible.

    I gave up on cabelas 3-4 years before the merger, and I get it, they have your money and you want it back, but really…the answer is right there.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    It seems like only yesterday that GM was the worst scum of the earth and Cabelas was the holy land….and now that GM is gone Cabelas is trash….typical internet, gotta complain about something.

    hah Complaining on the internet about people complaining on the internet jester rotflol rotflol rotflol That’s classic rotflol

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tim hurley wrote:</div>
    Hop on 65 hit Capras, Thorne Bros, and Vados,

    Will they ship two pairs in two sizes so you can send the one that doesn’t fit back? coffee

    I’m sorry, it might be the way I was brought up but if I have to order two of something on line to make sure one fits, I’ll wait to go into the store. ‘Course I’m not in that big of a hurry that I can’t wait.

    C’mon on now BK quit being all logical and stuff, did Timmy put you up to it?

    “Will they ship two pairs in two sizes so you can send the one that doesn’t fit back?”

    If you pay for it they’ll do whatever you want but then it’d take 12-16 weeks to get your money back

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>onestout wrote:</div>
    It seems like only yesterday that GM was the worst scum of the earth and Cabelas was the holy land….and now that GM is gone Cabelas is trash….typical internet, gotta complain about something.

    hah Complaining on the internet about people complaining on the internet jester rotflol rotflol rotflol That’s classic rotflol

    I am just trying to stay ahead of the curve. Who should be next? Can we decide that here or should we start a new thread.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I’ve ordered online from Cabelas, Scheels, and now Thorne Bros for ice gear in the past few weeks. I had a giftcard left for Cabelas, and Thorne Bros didn’t have one thing I was looking for so I went through Scheels.

      My Reviews as of October 2020:

    Customer Service = none really needed yet, but all sites were easy to use

    Prices = Almost Identical

    Shipping Time = Cabelas took 2 days, Scheels 4 days, and Thorne Bros is on the third day without notification of it being shipped

    Selection = Scheels won this hands down for most things, but Thorne Bros carried a specific type of new line I wanted to try while the others didn’t

    No store is perfect. I try to spread my shopping around based on sales, proximity, and throwing my purchases to small businesses along the way. Certain things are always a go-to for me (firearms = small local gunsmith or Scheels, fishing gear = FF or Scheels, etc), (ammunition = FF), (wife’s water bottles, clothes, and other stuff I try to avoid = Cabela’s)

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Somethings are forced.
    When i was in highschool, we’d have to order from EastBay for shoes! Internet was just the new magazine years later… waytogo

    Clothes back then… JCPENNY special orders…Never the size in stock.

    Interesting concept you bring up. I am of the generation where most every household in the country still had Sears and JC Penny catalogs mailed to them.

    That was at the tail end of previous generations where far more of the countries population lived in rural locations. Remember when mailing addresses would be…Mr. JB Smith, RR1, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota?

    Funny how some things have come back around again, like the internet just a modernization replacing paper catalogs. Otherwise, order from home…wait for your order to show up at your home.

    I’ve ordered online from Cabelas, Scheels, and now Thorne Bros for ice gear in the past few weeks.

    I’ve ordered from Reed’s in the past as well as some other smaller online retailers. Typically I’d buy items in person at a brick and mortar store as I usually (as some other’s have stated) like to see, try on, touch, feel, verify quality before committing.

    Recently though I’d find that supposed in stock items were not actually “in stock” thereby wasting the trip.

    I just placed an order through Marine General in Duluth (first time for me), because they had everything I wanted in stock, and prices were equal or better than competitors. Ordered late last week and just got shipping confirmation yesterday.

    Sitting here waiting/watching out the front window for “that guy” santa laugh

    Posts: 390

    Add me to the list of FORMER Cabelas shoppers. I went there last winter to buy heavier power ice fishing rod for lake trout and their selection was pathetic (not just for rods, but ice fishing in general). I think a major problem is the BPS corporate planners/buyers have no concept of how to specialize for specific markets, and its expensive to stock the more advance/niche gear many of us are looking for.

    Its a shame because I always bought the Cableas branded stuff because it was good quality and you could return it 2 years later no questions asked.

    If you are looking to buy a few cheap flannel shirts that will shrink 3 sizes if you accidentally dry them then Cabelas/BPS is the place to go.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I’ll say my biggest complaint when going to a store is lack of stock. I also hate buying clothing and boots online but they always have it!

    Nothing worse then driving to, say Cabela’s, and the boots they say they have don’t exist.

    I see it both ways.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Cab had their day. They were once great and I was proud to shop there. I was actually a cab groupie before there were any stores in Mn and it was all mail order. I have lots of old cab brand clothing still in circulation. Anyone remember the old worsterlon shirts? They don’t age and still my go-to deer stand shirt in cold weather. Their old silk long underwear was legendary to me. I still have a wearable set.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    If you had my feet, you’d be waiting a long time – haven’t tried on a shoe or boot in a store in 15 years.

    Size 15 or 16 Wide or Double Wide.


    Too bad you are not in my area. We have a store called The Shoe Box. It is not a chain store. Independently owned for many years.
    They carry many brands of work, hunting, hiking boots, walking, tennis, running shoes, etc. Many in sizes up to 18 extra wide. I wear a 14 or 15 shoe depending on brand. Never not had what I wanted/needed in stock.
    It is in Black Earth, WI.

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