I bought outdoor gear from Cabela’s since forever, had a black card, spent thousands of dollars there. NO MORE. Cancelled the card since the merger with Bass Pros. Products are lower quality, sales people are dumb and product availability is crappy. Some time went by and I gave them another chance. Big mistake. I bought a pair of boots in two sizes to be sure of correct fit. I tried them on, picked one and sent the other back within two days. That was almost a month ago, contacted customer service who informed me the refund would take an additional 6-8 weeks. “They are so sorry for inconvenience”…BS…WTF is that. Grrrrrr…They are thieves now, not only terrible service but fail to return your money. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS OUTFIT. Cabela’s as we all knew it is dead and buried, only the name remains the same…RIP

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