Cabelas Brand Lifetime Warranty

  • Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 303

    Has anyone used this on their Cabelas clothing? My waders leak through the seam after two years and there is no hole or misuse to them. Just curious who has had luck working with them. Thanks!

    Over there
    Posts: 251

    I’ve had 1 experience with it on a pair of shoes. They said lifetime warranty but they deemed the lifetime of the shoe to only be 1 year. Since I was over that time they still gave me a store credit but it took a lengthy conversation.

    My brother had 3 year old coat that the zipper broke on, he went in and got store credit for that.
    Sorry no experience with waders.

    Posts: 539

    I had them replace a pair of leaky waders after a couple years.

    Nick Cox
    Posts: 261

    They have always offered the “Cabela’s Legendary Guarantee” that does state “In addition, Cabela’s brand products are guaranteed for the lifetime of the product against defects in workmanship under normal wear and tear conditions.”

    If I were you, I would just send their customer service team an email and explain your situation.

    Cabela’s Customer Service Inquiry

    Good luck!

    1. Cabelas-Gua..jpg

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I’ve had 1 experience with it on a pair of shoes. They said lifetime warranty but they deemed the lifetime of the shoe to only be 1 year. Since I was over that time they still gave me a store credit but it took a lengthy conversation.

    That sounds like the dumbest lifetime warranty I ever heard of…. it is guaranteed as long as it lasts, once that is up, so is the warranty ??? meh ?

    Posts: 333

    I had a pair of boots that leaked and where hardly worn but over a year old and I had a tough fight to get 50cents on the dollar from the LIFE time warranty. The boots where labeled with Cabellas lingo but I didnt have a receipt to prove I bought them at Cabellas !

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I had a pair of boots that leaked and where hardly worn but over a year old and I had a tough fight to get 50cents on the dollar from the LIFE time warranty. The boots where labeled with Cabellas lingo but I didnt have a receipt to prove I bought them at Cabellas !

    My experience was the same on a pair of hunting boots. I admit I HAD worn them 5 years, but then the soles came off. I did not have the receipt, but clearly marked CABELLAS on the boots. I got nothing.

    Over there
    Posts: 251

    The whole catch with the “lifetime” guarantee is that they get to decide what the lifetime of a product is. So as in my case shoes are only 1 year but a coat was 3 years. Send them an email or live chat with someone on their website and print out whatever they say if it’s to your benefit.

    Their are times when I like Cabeleas and times when I don’t, the one thing I don’t find at the Rogers one is knowledge. Seems like less and less people there know what they are talking about when I go in or maybe I pick the wrong person to talk to.

    Hope it works out for you.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Their guarantee isn’t what it used to be. I also had an uncomfortable conversation but they stood behind a product that failed after 18 months.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    I have had a few issues with their warranty but usually with store personnel. I have had better luck sometimes by calling 800 number and get customer service in Nebraska. As stated above their warranty isn’t what it used to be.

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