Cabelas bargain cave

  • catchindeers54
    Anoka county
    Posts: 35

    The bargain cave at the cabelas in rogers is no more. All closed up and their moving all the camo clothing into it. Went there this morning to see if there was anything i “needed”. The cave was about the only reason i ever stopped at that cabelas unless i was in desperate need of something and in that case they usually didn’t have it in the store anyway.

    Posts: 7348

    I feel like I may be the only person who ever NOT found anything in there.

    Hoping they would start carrying the xps walleye jigs, no such luck. Kiddos still love the fish and displays though so we will be back.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I feel like I may be the only person who ever NOT found anything in there.

    Checked it out many times at all 3 Mn Cabelas. Never found a thing to buy.


    St. Michael, MN
    Posts: 178

    That’s a bummer, got a lot of decent deals from there in Rogers. For the last year or so I did notice the inventory in there was not as much as years past, for fishing gear anyways.

    Seems like overall since the BP buyout news and takeover, their fishing inventory has been reduced. Also very few sales and end of year sales like in the past.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    I used to enjoy browsing the Bargain Caves at their stores, but they haven’t been what they used to be for quite some time now. It’s either way over-priced or crap no one wants. It’s a bummer that they can’t bring it back to what it used to be.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 234

    got two catalogs and sale flyer from so called “Cabela’s” in the mail yesterday. Totally disappointed, all bass boats and bass gear and bass Pros touting there stuff, even the hunting was southern oriented. It’s not Cabela’s anymore. Cannot wait for Scheel’s to open at Eden Prairie Center.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Meh, haven’t been much of a fan since well before the merger. It slowly got worse year after year. The nail in the coffin is when they stopped bartering….Stopped into the Rogers location after the game fair to buy a case of 3″ Speed-Shok. They had zero, not even a spot on the shelf. Asked the guy behind the counter and he said they’re only stocking Black Cloud in Federal steel this year?…Fleet Farm I went.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    was a huge fan of the bargain cave, having said that the only thing I ever really bought in there was clothing and shoes. You could find a great price on boots in there almost anytime, as well as blaze and camo gear and waders. Now that im pretty well stocked on those items yeah the cave lost its appeal a bit but still sad to see it go. My favorite experience was when a friend and myself were perusing the isles in there and a woman working in there shouted to us that she would mark anything we brought to her 50% off sticker price. Being that most everything in there was already 20-40% off we walked out of there getting most items for about 80% off. By the time we checked out another worker guy had shown up and when he saw what she had done he was livid lol.

    I haven’t had much of an interest in cabelas since it was bought out and im not sure ill be shopping there much anymore.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Cabelas used to have a very liberal return policy that was abused by a lot of people. A bunch of guys would decide to go on a fishing trip, head to Cabelas and “buy” a bunch of gear, and then return it when the trip was over. That stuff would end up in the bargain cave. I scored some good deals there in the past. But eventually they had to change their return policy and after that the bargain cave ended up being a lot of weird crap and odd sized shoes.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    The bargain cave at the cabelas in rogers is no more. All closed up and their moving all the camo clothing into it. Went there this morning to see if there was anything i “needed”. The cave was about the only reason i ever stopped at that cabelas unless i was in desperate need of something and in that case they usually didn’t have it in the store anyway.

    I was wondering what was going on. I stopped by with the pup the other night. Everything was 70% off, and there was basically nothing left. I frequently found footwear in there. Bummer.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I feel like I may be the only person who ever NOT found anything in there.

    Hoping they would start carrying the xps walleye jigs, no such luck. Kiddos still love the fish and displays though so we will be back.

    You aren’t the only one. Seemed like everytime I found something I actually thought about buying it was dinged up or had some defect that would turn me away.

    The last time I went in there (a month or two ago) they said they were redoing their inventory and stock charts to incorporate BPS stock. I’m not sure how long that should take, but I figured we’d be seeing it by now.

    Posts: 1811

    I hope Cabela’s doesn’t turn their camo Dept into all that Red head crap.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 234

    well… Redhead is creeping into Cabela’s everywhere

    1. redhead.png

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    Got a couple Cabelas flyers and a catalog recently. Very, very little Cabelas items in them. Almost all BPS. Cabelas on the cover was just about it.

    Posts: 426

    Checked it out a couple of years ago in Richmond, the had boots in there that people sent back that looked like they were worn for 6 years. The soles where half worn away.

    Carl Bailey
    Posts: 4

    I drive a truck. I loved to stop by different Cabela’s to shop the BCs. I was out at Sidney, NE last week and over hear the guy running the BC tell another guy they are closing this department down in October. Once he got finished talking to the other guy I went over and asked him about that. He said they are closing all the BCs down. The reason he told me is they figure people come in the store planning to only spend a certain amount of money. Lets say for discussion that amount is $100. So the customer goes in the BC and find $40 worth of stuff. So now he is only going to spend $60 in the regular store. I know it is stupid, but that’s it. Sure not the way I shop. I’m in Hazelwood (St Louis) right now. Their BC is gone. I’m going to have to quite shopping Cabela’s.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Found polo or golf shirts which ever you prefer to call them there cheap before wear them for work. I’m not about to go to the regular section and pay $40 for a shirt to wear to work.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 35

    I used to buy my work clothes out of the cave all the time. Shirts and jeans or whatever kind of pants they had. Plus, then i would stock up on any fishing items i needed or hunting stuff i needed.

    Now i just go to the local thrift store for work clothes. I will say they are lacking in the hunting and fishing merchandise but the people watching usually makes up for that!

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    i’d typically use my Cabela’s points to shop the online Bargain Cave for clothes, could always find nice stuff if you were willing to wear whatever they were discontinuing because it happened to be last year’s stuff.

    even if they close the BC’s in the stores, they’ll still have lots of excess stock and returned items to clear out. i wonder how they plan to do that?

    of course, it might not matter to me since i won’t have any Cabela’s points to use anymore. with the changes to the credit card going into place this week, i dropped mine after ~15 years of Black status and opened a new one with USAA. change is inevitable, but this entire BPS situation makes me sad.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    That’s too bad. It seemed when I went into Cabela’s they would get more of my money because I found something in the bargain cave or my son did. The last 10 times I have been in Cabela’s I have picked something out of there. One thing I have notice is since the buy out there has been nothing in the rock-bottom deals.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    over hear the guy running the BC tell another guy they are closing this department down in October. Once he got finished talking to the other guy I went over and asked him about that.

    Spent a lot of time in retail management and if there’s one thing I took away from it, never believe what an employee says. Specially in corporate retail. They have NO IDEA what is actually going on, just what their store manager is telling them. Which is never the whole story because they’re left in the dark also. I’m sure the plan to close all in October is true, but the reason is about 91.375% hearsay and made-up gossip from the store employees.

    Carl Bailey
    Posts: 4

    I hadn’t been back here for a while. All Bargain Caves are gone now. Shame. I sometimes park still at a Cabela’s. But usually there is just no reason now the bother to walk in.
    But to answer Michael question: “even if they close the BC’s in the stores, they’ll still have lots of excess stock and returned items to clear out. i wonder how they plan to do that?”
    The guy told me they would just sell it all to a Wholesaler. I don’t know where it goes from there. Is it showing up now on Ebay? I’m sure it’s being sold off some where. But who know where?
    Funny, It’s been said Bass Pro shut down the BCs. I live not to far from Bass Pros headquarters in Springfield. They still have their outlet store to sale off their returns and other junk.

    Posts: 5139

    I’m sure it’s being sold off some where. But who know where?

    They still have their outlet store to sale off their returns and other junk.

    I’ll let you put two and two together. coffee

    Carl Bailey
    Posts: 4

    I’ll let you put two and two together. coffee


    If your saying it’s going over to Bass Pro’s outlet. Nah.
    They don’t have that much stuff in there for that to be happening.
    The BC was always better than BPs Outlet. I know there are some places that buy stuff like that and then people bid on it by the pallet. I’d say that’s where it going.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    I’d stop in the Rodgers store when I went to the cities only for the bargain cave

    If Reeds doesn’t have it I probably don’t need it

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    I’d stop in the Rodgers store when I went to the cities only for the bargain cave

    If Reeds doesn’t have it I probably don’t need it


    Reeds in Walker is the new Cabela’s online or in store. Glad I live in Walker…

    Frog farm
    Posts: 55

    I agree with Reeds being the new Cabela’s, the staff is awesome. I used my last Cabela’s gift card last week, I see no need to return to the store.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    That was a lot of valuable retail floor space devoted to crap. I was told that only a very few stores would keep a Bargain Cave and the rest is online only.

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