
  • monkeymaster
    Posts: 67

    Just wanting to know everyone’s thoughts on the quality of Cabelas products and service.
    Been a member card holder for 20 years and sorry to say I think it has steadily gone downhill on both accounts.
    As we speak been on hold for over 25 minutes trying g to find out where my fryer is since I am going on three days on a two day delivery.
    Used to go to Bass Pro when Cabelas frustrated me, know they are one and the same?
    Everything anymore is Frustrating

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778

    Since the buy out, I have heard of anyone that is pleased with the Bass Pro way of business. Additionally a number of Cabela’s employees I know have all left for better opportunities

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21365

    I wont go or shop there unless its a absolute last resort. Which it used to be a fun way to spend the day packing the kids in driving a hour 20 and looking around grabbing lunch and buying things.
    Now I dont go there and after they sold me my garmin online to then tell me they didn’t have any of that model left 49 days later I was done

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    I stopped into the Cabela’s in Rogers last week on my way to Rainy Lake.
    To my disappointment they’ve totally changed the layout of the store and it now looks like the Bass Pro shops I’ve visited.
    The Bass Pro brands are everywhere and most of the Cabela branded products are gone. Why bother with the dual branding? Cabela’s and Bass Pro?
    I noticed the selection of brands of fishing line aren’t as extensive as what Cabela’s previously carried. I was looking for Nanobraid. I realize there are some product shortages this year but there was no space allocated for some of these brands.
    It used to be fun to go into Cabela’s to just look around. Always seemed to find something before leaving.
    I guess I’ll be doing more shopping online.

    Posts: 2045

    You know I just order some stuff online from them and its 2 days I am kind of impress actually.

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