
  • Paul D
    Posts: 179

    Went to Byerly’s NYE to look for some seafood, King crab legs $69.99/lb, ok, that’s out. Maybe some cod, $15.99/lb, Are you joking? For Cod? Plan C, ingredients for Lasagna. Wife, as usual, knocked it out of the park. Two bags of groceries, nothing special, $200.00.

    Years ago, Byerly’s had decent soups, so we picked up some Chicken Wild Rice and Tomato Basil. Both were horrible, Tomato Basil tasted like watered down spaghetti sauce, I don’t even know how describe the CWR, waste of money, IMO.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    King crab legs $69.99/lb

    Lol holy moly that’s just ridiculous

    Posts: 5321

    Agreed the soup was bomb back in the day. Chicken wild rice was always a treat if mom brought some home. Not so good now.

    They have good deli stuff, Jerry’s in Edina is great too, old school church potatoes w the ham once in awhile. Good lunch options.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    My home store is Kowalski’s. I know where everything is and like what they sell. Second is Jerrys which is approx 1 mile closer. I too have noticed the skyrocketing prices but its no surprise as this inflation has been predicted and documented in excruciating detail since before it began. Its almost as if it was voted in…..

    Posts: 5126

    And I thought the 10lb boxes of King Crab at Costco for $400 was crazy! Yikes!

    Every time I go the the grocery store lately I see prices have jumped, we’ve been going to Aldis more and more lately..

    And I agree, grew up every couple weeks going to Byerlys restaurant with my mom and Grandma. Don’t think I had anything other than the Wild Rice Soup, glad I haven’t had it lately to ruin my childhood memories. Like everything else that gets bought by another corporation chit starts going downhill.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    Went to Byerly’s NYE to look for some seafood, King crab legs $69.99/lb,

    Wow, I have been seeing them at $39.99 around Rochester and I thought that was high!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    i have a byerlys near my house and go there once in a while. i buy the frozen soup and it tastes fine – exactly as it has to me for the last 10 years.

    Many thing at Byerlys are crazy expensive and i dont buy them. I mainly only go there if i just need a few items because its close.

    I personally havent really noticed my grocery bill going up due to inflation. If something increases drastically in price i switch to eating something else. I also always take advantage of sales and stock up. Right now my freezer is loaded with all sorts of foods i bought in the last year for 50% off or more.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6033

    If I need something special I might go there, otherwise too spendy-hard to find a store or generic brand if you want something simple like sugar.

    Posts: 2884

    Package of Driscoll strawberries was $7 the other day… sad

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Package of Driscoll strawberries was $7 the other day… sad

    That’s the normal price in the middle of winter.

    $70/pound for king crab is not normal.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I just had 1.75 pounds of King Crab that I bought from Schwans…it was delivered to my door.

    $59.95 but since I was a new customer, I received a 40% discount. Max credit is $40. Yeah I bought some ice cream too. Bill came to $60.

    Otherwise there prices are a bit high.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    Wow, I have been seeing them at $39.99 around Rochester and I thought that was high!

    Probably not King Crab.


    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Byerly’s and Kowalskis effing rule…you couldn’t pay me to go shop at a Cub, Walmart or Target for groceries.

    If you watch Byerly’s they do a ton of bogo sales. And, Kowalskis has the best damn monster cookies in town.

    They are both spendy but ya get what ya pay for.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Byerly’s and Kowalskis effing rule…you couldn’t pay me to go shop at a Cub, Walmart or Target for groceries.

    If you watch Byerly’s they do a ton of bogo sales. And, Kowalskis has the best damn monster cookies in town.

    They are both spendy but ya get what ya pay for.

    have you had the monster cookies at target!! they are the reason i weight what i do. I dont mind shopping at target for groceries. In fact i think target provides the best balance of quality and value for groceries

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    Byerly’s and Kowalskis effing rule…you couldn’t pay me to go shop at a Cub, Walmart or Target for groceries.

    If you watch Byerly’s they do a ton of bogo sales. And, Kowalskis has the best damn monster cookies in town.

    They are both spendy but ya get what ya pay for.

    have you had the monster cookies at target!! they are the reason i weight what i do. I dont mind shopping at target for groceries. In fact i think target provides the best balance of quality and value for groceries

    Go to Kowalskis and get the take and bake ones. Amazing.

    I’ll try the target ones. There isn’t a cookie I won’t try. The targets by us in s MPLS are just terrible. They never have anything in stock. We’ve basically stopped shopping there in general. It’s been an issue for a few years now. The produce always looks like it fell off the back of the truck.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    i have a kowalskis not far from me too. ill have to give their monster cookies a try.

    Paul D
    Posts: 179

    A week before the Byerly’s trip, was at Costco, they had a bag of four King Crab legs for $128.00, yep, put that back.

    Priced a tub of Cottage Cheese lately? $8.00 for a large tub.

    I don’t have children, so I can’t imagine how a family with growing kids can afford decent food, maybe it’s just me. I know wife and I have had to adjust our “food budget”.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    A week before the Byerly’s trip, was at Costco, they had a bag of four King Crab legs for $128.00, yep, put that back.

    Priced a tub of Cottage Cheese lately? $8.00 for a large tub.

    I don’t have children, so I can’t imagine how a family with growing kids can afford decent food, maybe it’s just me. I know wife and I have had to adjust our “food budget”.

    We luckily eat what we kill most everyday. Between the woods and the lake. We buy canned goods and stuff like that vegetables in the winter time. It’s not cheap going to the grocery store.
    But we also don’t eat crap food much. That stuff is real spendy

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    I don’t have children, so I can’t imagine how a family with growing kids can afford decent food, maybe it’s just me. I know wife and I have had to adjust our “food budget”.

    A deer or two in the fall, beef from the Roseberg farm, Costco for a few things, and Aldi for the staples keeps our food budget under control. Also, we/I make the majority of our meals at home too which is a huge difference, can hardly go out anywhere for under $50 these days. Although my kids are little, and are already big eaters so I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    can hardly go out anywhere for under $50 these days.

    aint that the truth. and we arent even talking a nice sit down meal! If you want one of those better be ready to break out a Benjamin or more

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    can hardly go out anywhere for under $50 these days.

    aint that the truth. and we arent even talking a nice sit down meal! If you want one of those better be ready to break out a Benjamin or more

    The 4 of us went to subway the other day and my total was 58 dollars. I about had a heart attack. 3 footlong meals and a 5 yr Olds kids mean, plus 4 cookies. Highway robbery at its finest. Then they asked for a tip. I asked how that wasn’t included in that price. Sorry lady, 4 sandwiches a couple drinks and 4 cookies for 60 bucks, there is no room for a tip.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I have a Cub Foods, Hy-Vee, and Lunds/Byerlys all within 10 minutes of my house. In September I did a cost comparison between the three of them. For the heck of it, I also included Walmart, but I do not go there regularly. Looking back, I should have also included Target but I did not.

    Walmart is by far the cheapest. On average, items are about 20% less there than Cub or Hy-Vee.
    Cub Foods is second. They were about 10% less than Hy-Vee.
    Lunds/Byerlys is by far the most expensive. The same items I bought at Lunds/Byerlys were approximately 20% more and nearly double the cost of Walmart.

    Bear in mind that my comparison is for exactly the same items. Produce, meat, bread, milk, butter, cereal, eggs, ketchup, chips, etc. I did not use any coupons at any of these grocers to reduce variability. Take it for what its worth. I personally do most of my grocery shopping at Cub Food because its 5 minutes from the house and I get fuel rewards from it.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    The 4 of us went to subway the other day and my total was 58 dollars.

    LOL holy crap that really puts things into perspective. At a freaking Subway

    Paul D
    Posts: 179

    I have a Cub Foods, Hy-Vee, and Lunds/Byerlys all within 10 minutes of my house. In September I did a cost comparison between the three of them. For the heck of it, I also included Walmart, but I do not go there regularly anymore. Looking back, I should have also included Target but I did not.

    Walmart is by far the cheapest. On average, items are about 20% less there than Cub or Hy-Vee.
    Cub Foods is second. They were about 10% less than Hy-Vee.
    Lunds/Byerlys is by far the most expensive. The same items I bought at Cub/Hy-Vee were approximately 20% more and nearly double the cost of Walmart.

    Bear in mind that my comparison is for exactly the same items. Produce, meat, bread, milk, butter, cereal, eggs, ketchup, chips, etc. I did not use any coupons at any of these grocers to reduce variability. Take it for what its worth.

    Good Info!

    Last time I was in a Byerly’s was way before Covid anyways, for that exact reason. Just paying to shop on carpeting instead of concrete. I will say though, Byerly’s does have a nice selection of not so run of the mill cheese.

    Posts: 4566

    Welcome to the new normal. We used to buy crab legs at Cub for $5.99lb boxes and cook them up in the turkey fryer filled with water before we went out drinking the night before Thanksgiving. Oh miss those days…….

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I will say though, Byerly’s does have a nice selection of not so run of the mill cheese.

    I didn’t mean to steer anyone a certain direction to grocery shop. You have to go where you want to. I just wanted to provide some data. Some smaller towns only have one grocery store so you don’t have options.

    The hot food and salad bar at Byerlys is really good. I got a cup of hot lobster bisque there on Sunday that was fantastic.

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 303

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    The 4 of us went to subway the other day and my total was 58 dollars.

    LOL holy crap that really puts things into perspective. At a freaking Subway

    But at least they’re all making $15+ dollars an hour now….. (saw that coming from a mile away doah )

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Cub, Walmart, Target, Hy-Vee, and Aldi are all within 15 min from me. I shop them all (except Walmart) and change it up from week to week. Everyone of them are the cheapest depending on the item. My wife likes to use instant cart and has the food delivered to our doorstep. She will shop all of them and compare prices on her phone. Most of the time Hy-Vee and Aldi have our item for the cheapest. I buy ½ a cow and 1 to 2 pigs a year to keep the meat cost down. I saw cottage bacon at Cub the other day for $12.99 a pound. I get the whole pig for free for what I would pay for just the cottage bacon. Don’t forget the 30-35lb of thick cut bacon.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Funny watching the price comparison shopping here but when it comes to Rapala ya pay what ya gotta pay. jester

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