Bubba electric knife

  • Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    Recently purchased a bubba electric fillet knife , And finally got a chance to use it . Just wanted to give a review for those interested . Ive owned several brands , but this one is the best ive used , looks and feels very well made , comfortable and cut like butter . Have only cleaned a dozen walleyes so far , but impressed so far . We’ll see of it stands the test of time .

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Those things take some getting used to. I’ve only tried an electric a few times and butchered my attempts. Haven’t got the feel for pressure yet.

    Posts: 3911

    one thing I learned using electric filet knives,use one tenth the pressure you would need for a regular filet knife,well,that could be me and having cheap ass blades before.
    another thing I learned when I bought a Rapala electric knife,throw the blades away that come in the kit as they are cheap shi!t,and buy the blades next to the kits that say Rapala on them.

    regardless of who makes the electric part,buy good blades !
    Mike,didnt mean to derail your thread,keep us informed on how the bubba knife handles a lot of fish in a year or so as I am interested in it.

    The Pessimist
    Posts: 107

    Mike, did you get the lithium or corded model? I recently purchased the lithium. I feel it is kind of weak. I have used other corded knives that I feel are faster and more powerful.

    Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    I bought the corded . Ive tried the rapala battery powered in the past , and didnt like it . Sheldon , they do take some getting used too , but once you do they are very fast and efficient . I use them for everything from panfish to northerns. The blades that came with this set are very sharp out of the box

    Posts: 959

    My uncle just bought one too. Not sure if he’s got to use it yet tho. I have a rapala corded model and it’s ok but I burn thru blades too often. Anyone ever try to sharpen any of these electric filet serated blades ? Is the bubba a serated ?

    Posts: 1811

    Will try the Bubba but for now, I have the Berkley corded 12v, blades stay sharp cleaned a lot of fish The main reason I like the Berkley is the portability, use a depth finder battery or inverter for power. I went with the charger battery route, not a fan.

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