Early season bassin

  • TorrellRhoades
    Posts: 10

    Has anyone gone to Brushy Creek in early to mid April for bass? I plan on rippin some lips there in about a month and a half…..Never been there, but my buddy has fished it in summer and said its pretty good, with lots of deep water and standing timber…..What can you guys tell me about that lake?

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Brushy is full of fish but fickle. Any bass man can kill them from prespawn on into July. They should be up shallow in late April. It’s a very deep lake so it warms slowly in comparison to other lakes. You post a report on how you do, ya hear?

    Blairsburg IA
    Posts: 166

    Bass were tearing up my leeches last yr. Just Slip bobber fish close to shore with a leech you’ll catch all you want!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I also had a hard time keeping the bass off my leaches at BRushy. The place is infested with those green carp. Don’t be afraid to eat a few.

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