Broken Rod/Joe’s & Shimano Warranty

  • mahtofire14
    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Last Friday during my trip to Mille Lacs I had a Shimano Clarus spinning rod snap about 10 inches from the tip on a mild finesse hook set. Could not believe it. I bought the rod from Joes two months ago. Brought it back in today with the warranty paperwork and was told they would ship it back to Shimano to be repaired.

    I’m happy with the service but maybe I’m being selfish in that I would like a replacement rod instead of the broken rod being repaired. This rod had a catistrophic failure and I don’t know how repairing that is going to work. What are you thoughts and have you had rods repaired or were you given replacements by Shimano?

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    I would guess they’ll just replace it. For one it’s probably cheaper for them to take another rod off the assembly line than to have someone sit and manually fix one. Second, their warranty information says you can cut it in half to ship it to them so I don’t think they plan on “fixing” anything:

    Shimano will accept a rod cut in half for shipping purposes, but we will not accept a rod cut more than once. Please include a note with the rod indicating that you have cut it for shipping purposes. Please also bear in mind that if the rod is cut and it does not meet warranty criteria, it will not be replaced and you will no longer be able to have it repaired at a local shop.

    St. Michael, MN
    Posts: 178

    Don’t most places have a 90 day in store return policy? I just returned a 13 fishing rod that broke at Runnings last week, about 89 days in and they just gave me a new one. I even commented a couple times about the date being awhile ago and they said I was good.

    Kind of a bummer to have to send it back and it was only 2 months ago.

    St. Michael, MN
    Posts: 178

    Just looked, Joes is only 30 days, kinda light to me. Guess your stuck with the factory warranty. I do bet they will ship a new one and not fix it. Good luck.

    Posts: 7348

    They were upfront about their return policies when I bought my last one there. Was happy with that and didn’t expect much else.

    The way I break my rods I feel alot better about how they’ll handle it than other stores.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I went to Scheels rods this year. They have some really nice higher end rods. 100% no questions asked warranty. Just bring it in (no receipt needed) and you walk out with a new rod waytogo

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Yeah Joe’s is 30 days. I really wasn’t unhappy with the service from Joe’s. I did find the same rod on their shelves in store and was hoping they might just let me take that one but I guess I’ll have to wait the month or two they said it will take.

    I actually couldn’t find my copy of the warranty from Joe’s but they had no problem finding their copy and got the rod on it’s way no problem. They stated that it would be repaired and not replaced when I asked them. That’s what made me a little worried about receiving a repaired rod.

    Cannon Falls, MN
    Posts: 534

    I’ve learned after they got in their new store to not buy anything of consequence at Joe’s. They don’t provide the service to keep you going during the season by replacing the product off the shelves and getting a new one from the manufacturer for their inventory. What good is a new rod in November?? Sending it in for in doesn’t cut it for my business.

    St. Michael, MN
    Posts: 178

    Something still seems odd about the fixing part and 1-2 months, though I’m no rod warranty expert. How would one fix a broken rod 10in from the end. Hopefully it doesnt come back 10 inches shorter with a new eye!

    I think I would also follow up with Shimano. I’ve sent them messsages thru FB before and they are pretty responsive and will point you in the right direction.

    Posts: 7348

    How does a store come ahead by taking one off the shelf? Store has to make money, maker has to make money, I can’t imagine the store can take a repaired rod and sell it as new.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    How does a store come ahead by taking one off the shelf? Store has to make money, maker has to make money, I can’t imagine the store can take a repaired rod and sell it as new.

    Exactly. Unless the manufacturer has it set up so the store gets credit for busted rods sent back no questions asked.

    Something still seems odd about the fixing part and 1-2 months, though I’m no rod warranty expert. How would one fix a broken rod 10in from the end. Hopefully it doesnt come back 10 inches shorter with a new eye!

    Guessing that’s just an inexperienced sales person at Joe’s. Or they wanted to avoid the “Well if they’re going to replace it, why can’t I just take this one off the shelf?” conversation.

    Ultimately Joe’s can’t speak for Shimano or make judgements on the validity of the warranty claim, etc.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I have only had positive dealings with Joe’s and really like the store for top notch customer service and more knowledgeable staff. That being said Shimano drastically changed the warranty that they offer a few years ago and that can very likely change how a store operates. Some rod models that once had lifetime warranties now do not, and even how a retailers serves a customer can change depending on how a manufactures warranty changes…

    I have bought fewer Shimano rods, since the change, not because of Joe’s rather the value I perceive for the price of the rod.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    I can testify to Scheels warranty. Bought a medium spinning rod there more than 11 years ago. Salesman said they were made with St.Croix blanks back then. Said lifetime warranty, anything short of slamming it in a car door would be covered. Well this summer broke that rod about 3” from the tip. Figured I’d try their warranty out. Walked in guy looked at the model and asked if I wanted a 1 piece or 2 piece rod. Amd grabbed one off the shelf. And that was it. Did the same with a ice rod last winter.
    Just don’t tell them you slammed it in the car door.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Scheel’s warranty sounds great, but I’m guessing they would handle a busted Shimano rod the same as Joe’s did. House brand -vs- another manufacturer makes a difference in warranty stuff.

    (Joe) — are you using primarily the guide series? Any experience with Pro Classic series rods?

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 538

    Just an FYI, according to a good friend who is familiar with this, Scheels will discontinue their “just walk in and we’ll replace it” warranty next year (2019) however those bought before had will be grandfathered in. I cannot verify for sure however Scheels does have a good rod in the higher ends, maybe they’ll lower prices. Either way I did have a Berkley rod break. Their warranty is only 1 year however if older they would replace it via the factory for 45% of the retail, which is probably what they sell it to their distributors for. I probably have only had 3 rods break on me over the years, I have to imagine those $300 rods do carry a portion of the price to cover their historic warranty policies.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Once a rod blank breaks it can’t be repaired. You can put on a new guide tip at the broken spot but never reattach the blank back together. Some warranties require the manufacture to inspect the blank before they will replace it.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    The rod will be replaced, not repaired. It’s possible to repair it, but they won’t take the time. I sent a rod back to Fenwick that was a discontinued model that I really wanted to be repaired. They wouldn’t do it, but they sent a new rod, and at my request also returned the broken rod to me. The new rod got put up in the rafters and I repaired and am still using the broken rod.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    How did you repair the blank Bassn Dan?

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    The rod will be replaced, not repaired. It’s possible to repair it, but they won’t take the time. I sent a rod back to Fenwick that was a discontinued model that I really wanted to be repaired. They wouldn’t do it, but they sent a new rod, and at my request also returned the broken rod to me. The new rod got put up in the rafters and I repaired and am still using the broken rod.

    That’s what I was hoping for. I was plenty happy with Joe’s service. Treated me well and didn’t ask any questions. I was a little worried that they didn’t understand that this wasn’t a slammed in the car door break. I broke it on a normal hook set. But no complaints about the service. Just wanted to see what you all thought about it.

    Posts: 1148

    I went to Scheels rods this year. They have some really nice higher end rods. 100% no questions asked warranty. Just bring it in (no receipt needed) and you walk out with a new rod waytogo

    Fwiw I spoke with my local scheels fishing manager and he said this policy is going to be changed most likely next year. Too many people bringing in rods they broke and not owning up to it. Also said st. Croix is poised to drop lifetime warranty and instead is going to a 15 year warranty.

    Posts: 100

    Scheels really good with warranty.
    1 of mine St croix the eye crack abit and cut my line all the time. They took it and send for repair. No asked.!
    Love Scheels.

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