I have shot about 15 deer with my Spit Fires. Never had a deer go more than 40 yards. Maybe I’m just that good.

Posts: 9301
September 20, 2015 at 6:18 pm
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Broadhead Choice?
I have shot about 15 deer with my Spit Fires. Never had a deer go more than 40 yards. Maybe I’m just that good.
I picked up some Rage extremes tonight for turkeys. I pulled one out of the pack and took two shots into my black hole target and both blades are chipped and dull. I can’t say I would be willing to buy another rage head for deer.
I am just wondering what everyone uses and how they like them. I used the Ulmer Edge last year and loved them but this year could not find them anywhere so I switch to the rage but do not like the plastic clips for them.
I was a big fan of the Ulmer edge as well and I read where they were being sued for a copyright issue over their design so Trophy Taker dropped them.
I’ve been shooting the QAD exodus and are really impressed with them. Fly well, one of the heavier blades on the market and have a 1 1/4″ cutting diameter. G5 Strikers and Slick Tricks are all in my box. The Ulmer was the first mechanical I was willing to try on deer.
I started off shooting Montec’s fixed 125gr. Never really had a problem, but switched to Rage 2 Blades shortly after they came out. I’ve been so impressed with the damage they do, I don’t think I would ever go back. Honestly, some of the exit wounds are larger than with my 12 gauge…. Deer don’t go far when they’re hurt like that.
Although I do not get as many pass throughs with rages as with the montecs, I really don’t care. I want dead deer quick, that’s all. If you can hit a paper plate behind the shoulder with a rage, that deer is dead in <100yds every time.
I picked up some Rage extremes tonight for turkeys. I pulled one out of the pack and took two shots into my black hole target and both blades are chipped and dull. I can’t say I would be willing to buy another rage head for deer.
I will agree with this statement. Rage’s are one and done for me. I don’t bother trying to sharpen or replace blades. After they’ve killed a deer, they get critter duty.
Everyone is pretty passionate about there head choice and I’m glad that there are options out there for everyones hunting style.
For me on turkeys I shoot expandable heads to deliver a harder punch bigger entrance hole. For all large game I’m a guy that likes pass throughs (guess I’m old school that way) so I’ve shot fixed blades from Magnus Buzz Cuts, to Carbon express F-15’s killed many larger than deer type big game and passed through everything (I have the same situation for me now having a hard time finding the F-15’s) so now I’m shooting Slick tricks and am really impressed with how they fly. Can’t wait to drain a good buck or two with them this year! Hunting 2 states.
Also, let face it… no matter what head style you shoot (assuming it’s sharp) it’s really all about shot placement. Good Luck all busting some lungs!
Buy the ulmer edge on eBay. The even cheaper. I stocked up
I did also find Scheels in Rochester MN had the Ulmer edge for 19.99 per pack. I am not sure if they still have anymore or not.
If you guys want to check out some really interesting broadhead comparisons, check out the ‘Ashby Reports’ – penetration, lethality, etc…on about 20 different broadheads. As a traditional shooter, after reading these studies, I have since always opted for single blade, single bevel – as it boasts the highest percentage penetration and lethality to all other broadheads comparatively. I’ve got 125 gr. Grizzlys on all my cedar arrows.
Growing up in windy SD, I’ve shot mechanical heads my whole life. In the old bows and given the old arrow and head technology, they clearly gave me an advantage over the traditional broadheads when shooting at distance on spot and stalk hunts.
Today, I’m a Rage two blade chisel point fan but I also say shoot whatever you have confidence in. I know if I make the proper shot, any broadhead on the market will work. I have personal experience with making a marginal shot and was still able to recover the deer within reasonable distances/time.
Now, the old 3 blade Rage, I lost confidence in it and won’t ever go back to a 3 blade broadhead.
What I will tell you, 90% of what has been posted on this topic is valuable information. Pick a head you think will shoot well. If it doesn’t, find another until you can build your confidence.
Now, the old 3 blade Rage, I lost confidence in it and won’t ever go back to a 3 blade broadhead.
I shoot Rage 2 and 3 blade.
I thought the 3 blade chisel point was actually newer than the 2 blade or do I have that wrong?
I initially switched to the cut on contact 2 blade, from 3 blade, but most recently have been buying the chisel point 2 blades(mental issue for me). I bought a dozen off ebay and now just get the replacement blade kits.
Well the G5 montecs I decided to try for my first archery deer worked beautifully this morning. Had a small buck come in at 15 yards and let one rip. He made it 25yards and was done.
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