I am just wondering what everyone uses and how they like them. I used the Ulmer Edge last year and loved them but this year could not find them anywhere so I switch to the rage but do not like the plastic clips for them.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Broadhead Choice?
Broadhead Choice?
September 16, 2015 at 11:08 am #1565917
I have used the Rocket hammerhead for prolly 7-8 years and absolutely love the blood trail they leave. Never had one fail me on deer or turkeys.
September 16, 2015 at 11:36 am #1565929I started off with the G5 Outdoors Montec broadhead (fixed) and liked them a lot. But then made the switch to mechanical and since then been using Rocket Sidewinder broadheads with good success.
Jason Beaulieu
Posts: 78September 16, 2015 at 12:27 pm #1565945I just deleted a long and exaggerated post on fixed blade to mechanical blades in my own words of the differences, so I will just answer your actual question. I switched from shooting the old style muzzys for years to slick tricks last year and loved how they fly, each individual head is super consistent, but same general killing ability as all fixed blades. The new Muzzy Trocars seem to be some sweet little heads, have yet to actually put one through a deer this year but they fly great at longer distances. Personally will never touch a rage again, both from my own bad experiences and multiple friends that have had negative things happen, but if you ten ring a deer the blood trails are beyond crazy!
September 16, 2015 at 1:32 pm #1565961(Please don’t laugh too hard…I’m getting Old) Rocky Mountain Razors. When they got bought out, I knew they were being taken off the market so I bought all that I could afford. I still have about 3 or 4 packs still new in the packaging. From all that I have checked out, I will stay with fixed blades. so far I see the Montec G5s as a good replacement OR the Heartaway. All the test results I have seen (1st hand) on the Heartaway is amazing. 170grain fly exactly the same as 125’s. That seems impossible, but I saw it myself.
Why – any deer hit as it should be is dead. But, we all have those few shots that something happened…flintched, pulled, misjudged…. I want a gaping hole with everything ripped up in between. I’ve never had a failure, lost deer, or any complaints – so for me, why change?
September 16, 2015 at 1:36 pm #1565962i did penetration testing for easton in the mid 80s. shot identical braodeads, shafts, bow into road kill. as a result of those tests, i won’t even shoot replaceable blades, much less the new sling blades.
yup zwickeys… right thru both shoulders…
September 16, 2015 at 1:43 pm #1565968(Please don’t laugh too hard…I’m getting Old) Rocky Mountain Razors. When they got bought out, I knew they were being taken off the market so I bought all that I could afford. I still have about 3 or 4 packs still new in the packaging. From all that I have checked out, I will stay with fixed blades. so far I see the Montec G5s as a good replacement OR the Heartaway. All the test results I have seen (1st hand) on the Heartaway is amazing. 170grain fly exactly the same as 125’s. That seems impossible, but I saw it myself.
Why – any deer hit as it should be is dead. But, we all have those few shots that something happened…flintched, pulled, misjudged…. I want a gaping hole with everything ripped up in between. I’ve never had a failure, lost deer, or any complaints – so for me, why change?
Well I didn’t spit coffee on my keyboard, but I did get some looks at my laughter outburst
I totally agree with why change if they are working for you. The Rocket hammerheads have been around since Christ was a child too, but they have never failed me. My buddies try to get me to change all the time, but I simply refuse until I have a bad experience.
September 16, 2015 at 2:06 pm #1565973I to am a fan of fixed broadheads. Still use zwickeys. All of my friends switched to mechanicals and had great success till they all eventually failed and lost an animal on what seemed to be a great hit. Have I lost a deer to a poor hit with fixed yes it can happen. But I almost always have 2 holes and a pass thru. Watching all the shows with the poor penetration and backing out till tomorrow makes me sick. Try that by my cabin in wolf country not a good idea.
September 16, 2015 at 3:20 pm #1565990The first legal deployable blade broadhead was invented in MN around 1985 by Rocket Aerohead. (The PunchCutter was fisrt but because of it having only 2 blades made it illegal in MN.)
The Inventor didn’t bow hunt, his room mate did and kept shooting arrows thru deer and wounding them. He thought to himself “seems like a lot of wasted energy” and figured a bigger hole is what is needed. Came up with the deployable blade broadhead.When it was first displayed at the Bow hunting convention in Louisville KY in the late 1980’s it was laughed at.
It actually revolutionized Bow Hunting with its lethal cutting diameter, and target arrow accuracy, and copied often.
And know you know the rest of the story.
September 16, 2015 at 3:40 pm #1565991i have no problem with deployables on sub 150# deer. i hunt a family of deer that are going 250+# and when you get a shot finally (last one took me 5 years and that was 9 years ago.) you want to know that your broadhead is going to function. Hence i went to double shafts and have even worked with filled shafts. Couple that with 80# and the tests i’ve done have some pretty incredible penetration. I put some calf shoulders in ballistic gelatin and shot them. I was happy. Deployable would have stopped on the first shoulder. the Zwicky went thru both. I also used a 2 blade Thunderhead (if i remember correctly) and it was fine also as long as the insert blades were removed.
So IF you are hunting moose or elk, i would not suggest a deployable…locolocal
Posts: 21September 16, 2015 at 3:45 pm #1565993Shot the Grim Reaper Razor Cut for the last four years. Flawless execution as far as deployment, brutal penetration. I did not get pass-thrus on two of the last four deer I shot – including a total broadside shot last year @ 25 yrds. These were non-shoulder hits. I’m pulling 70lbs, and was shooting Easton Axis arrows. Plenty of weight and KE.
Decided to give the Dead Ringer Rampage a try this year. If they don’t satisfy, I may go back to the Muzzy’s.
We’ll see…
September 16, 2015 at 3:57 pm #1565996This year is my first season with a bow and was asking the same question a couple of weeks ago. I ended up going with G5 montecs. So far they have shot just as good out to 40 yards as my field tips. Still thinking about picking up some mechanical heads for trying on my first turkey this year.
September 16, 2015 at 4:03 pm #1566002i have no problem with deployables on sub 150# deer. i hunt a family of deer that are going 250+# and when you get a shot finally (last one took me 5 years and that was 9 years ago.) you want to know that your broadhead is going to function. Hence i went to double shafts and have even worked with filled shafts. Couple that with 80# and the tests i’ve done have some pretty incredible penetration. I put some calf shoulders in ballistic gelatin and shot them. I was happy. Deployable would have stopped on the first shoulder. the Zwicky went thru both. I also used a 2 blade Thunderhead (if i remember correctly) and it was fine also as long as the insert blades were removed.
So IF you are hunting moose or elk, i would not suggest a deployable…If you saw the trophy room of the former owner of Rocket you would change you mind. Lets just say that deployables go thru Hippo.
September 16, 2015 at 4:06 pm #1566004i shot some ’87 versions thru gelatin with bone in it. they didn’t work. don’t know anything about the Rocket design.
Posts: 727September 16, 2015 at 4:56 pm #1566010Rage 2 blade EXTREME……. never had anything survive even a marginal hit. Ill never change.
September 17, 2015 at 8:05 am #1566057Rockets since they started here and I shot a ton of them at the compound doctor. They have been proven and will never change from rocket.
Use rockets for turkey ,bear and Elk and have never had an issue and will keep using them. I use a couple different Fixed blade rocket for Elk because Idaho no expands allowed. Turkey use hammerheads and sidewinders same for deer.
September 17, 2015 at 10:20 am #1566086I’ve been shooting the steel force phat head SOB and love them. You rocket guys are going to upset they are no longer going to be made.
September 17, 2015 at 10:41 am #1566094I’ve been shooting the steel force phat head SOB and love them. You rocket guys are going to upset they are no longer going to be made.
If that’s true you are right I will be smokin mad, but I won’t change to a rage that’s for sure!
September 18, 2015 at 1:51 pm #1566366Broadheads come and go. Muzzys stay. I still think the Muzzy is the best fixed blade broadhead out there. Just saying, they may not be fancy or cost $70/3 pack, but they simply work. Team it up with a nice Beeman ICS arrow, and that’s deer sticks all day.
September 18, 2015 at 5:47 pm #1566386I’ve been shooting the steel force phat head SOB and love them. You rocket guys are going to upset they are no longer going to be made.
I’ll see if I can confirm That.
September 18, 2015 at 8:39 pm #1566406Montec 125gr here. Two of the 3 I take in the woods have been through deer with no damage. Just cleaned them up, sharpened them back up, a shot or two at the target to be sure they still pattern the same, one more touch up and back into the quiver. Hoping to make it so all three have been through deer this fall.
Lot of guys use the expandable head ones, personally there is already to many moving parts that could fail on my bow as it is id rather not add another one.
September 18, 2015 at 9:12 pm #1566408Rage 2 blade EXTREME……. never had anything survive even a marginal hit. Ill never change.
DITTO ! ! !
September 19, 2015 at 10:45 am #1566667Grim Reaper Razor cut SS. It destroyed a deer 2 years ago. The blood loss was like nothing else I have seen. It looked like a cup of blood was thrown on a tree as the deer ran by. The blood ran to the base of the tree by the time I drug the deer out. I also shot a deer with a Rocket Hammerhead last year. No complaints, just not the same as the Grim Reapers.
Posts: 68September 19, 2015 at 7:15 pm #1566696I’ve had excellent luck with Slick Tricks (100g magnum). Reasonably priced and durable (shot three deer with the same head/blades).
Posts: 11
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