Bringing Cold Propane Tank Inside

  • MNdrifter
    Posts: 1671

    Ok MNdrifter here’s a rookie question. Aren’t heaters and appliances supposed to work at specific pressures? How big a high flow did you buy and where did you set it? Some go to very high pressures. If changing to a high flow is safe I’m heading to the store. This has been an interesting thread, I’m learning a few things.

    Yes. The regulator knocks down pressure from the tank and smooths out the flow of gas. The appliance also has a regulator/gas control valve that knocks it down again to appropriate pressure for the device. I’m not an appliance repair man so I do not know exactly how all that works.

    IF you guys feel safe with electric devices-tank heaters, 100 watt bulbs, etc, what’s the difference between that and bringing a tank inside? Wouldn’t the electric device be the igniter? How about heat tape wrapped around the tank AND regulator?

    The difference is it’s outside, propane is heavier than air and if there’s a leak it will vent out the bottom of the propane enclosure. It will not have a chance to pool and get to an explosive level. If inside a tight enclosure such as a fish house, it will pool somewhere and very easily get to an explosive level.

    Here’s the regulator I have on my wheel house. It was recommended on the ice castle owners group.
    From what I understand you can get a quality one at pretty much any propane dealer.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1597

    Thank you Sir!

    Posts: 1671

    Thank you Sir!

    No problem.
    Now I just got to figure out this damn washing machine. Bearing went out on it, and cracked the tub when it went haywire. Running tally on parts is over $600 so far. Anybody here know where I can get cheap appliance parts? Spent all day taking it apart, only to find out parts are too expensive to repair it.👨‍🔧 🤦‍♂️

    1. E062C3FF-C445-4712-9094-E6486059A854.jpeg

    Posts: 4800

    I’ve had good luck with

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1597

    I’m an old hotel guy that has dealt with the problems of front load washers for 34 years. Transmissions, door seals, drains, on and on and on. It’s no testimony to my intelligence level I let my wife talk me into one. Stinky pieces of 💩. Wait till the coldest day of the winter, bring in a 20# propane tank, stick in in the washer with a candle. You might get a whole new laundry room 😉

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I use Dey Distributing for most of my parts.

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