Bravo FS or LT prop on Skeeter MX 2040 or 2025

  • Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Has anyone tried the Bravo FS or Lt props on this hull? Currently running the Yamaha Saltwater 20″ on my 2040, and it’s not bad. Boat has a kicker on a setback, and motor is mounted on a Atlas 6″ power plate. Boat came with a 21″ but that was too much prop with the kicker. Dealer switched out to a 19′, and we took out for a test ride, Great takeoff, a little too many rpm’s for me, and still had the negative handling traits that I didn’t like, porpoise, and lack of grip trimmed up. Exchanged 19″ for a 20′ and lowered the engine the one remaining hole on the jackplate as we both thought that even at the powerplates lowest setting, these props needed to be lower yet. Dropping the engine really made quite a difference. Am now running 58.5 to 59mph at 5950-6000rpm. Bottom of boat to cav plate is now 1 3/4″ at lowest setting. Anything over 2 1/2″ at speed and prop looses bite, and rpms go up but speed goes down. Take off and lower speeds I keep the plate all the way down as it really helps with porpoise, but does not get rid of it. I have many, many years of boating experience, and the last 25 years or more with jackplates, so I have a good understanding of what is going on here. Mercury says that I am right at that either or point of an FS or LT, and we both agree it would be a 20.5″ or 21″. That’s four possible combinations, and these are expensive props. Has anyone tried one, and what were your results? Am only interested in this hull and these two Mercury style props, and have already read all the postings on the 2060 hull.

    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    I have not tried those props, however they were on my list when trying it out.
    If you want to try those props before you buy, not sure where your located but I would contact these guys for their demo props. Just have to wait until Aug before his demo prop program is available again.

    Couple of questions I have, what motor HP, I assume it was the 300 since you mentioned it came with the 21p. With my MX, 300 and kicker, with the 21P SW2 I did have some of that….not all the time though only when I had the live-well full or more gear in the back. never did I think it was too much prop I guess.

    I did swap out with a 19p PowerTech prop, and when trimmed up, when there isn’t any chop it will start proposing and with a chop I do not have this issue and can run wide open and trimmed up and hit the same speeds your seeing above.

    If I was to do it again, I would try the bravo 1 LT in a 20.5 first and then go from there.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    I have the 250 SHO. The 19″ and 20″ SW2 really improved the holeshot, and the 20″ really isn’t that bad of a prop, but does have a tendency to porpoise at low speed to midrange, as did all three SW2 props that I tried. There was a big improvement after dropping the engine, but still will porpoise somewhat with the right conditions, even with engine tucked in and lowered all the way. Wanted to try Yamaha’s 4 blade SW prop, but dealer didn’t stock them. Five hr drive to Brainard props, and that would be expensive hauling a boat back and forth. I may have my 20″ prop cupped a bit, and possibly blades thinned, so that my rpm stays the same, and try that, at least till I hear of someone else that has tried the Bravo FS or LT. Really would like to be able to raise the engine a bit and still have it perform right.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Five hr drive to Brainard props, and that would be expensive hauling a boat back and forth.

    They can ship a prop to you, can’t they?

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Of course I can have a prop shipped to and demo it. but if I just ship one style to me, and it seems ok, I never really will know if the other style would be better. At $30 plus $25 shipping, per prop, it starts to add up, and if no one else has any experience with these two style props, I would for sure want to try both styles. After speaking with Brainerd, they don’t feel having my prop reworked would solve what I want solved, and that I would be much better served with the Bravo FS or LT, and most likely the LT. I probably will order a LT to try if I am unable to get any feedback on someone else with this combination. Was just hoping someone else had already tried one or both of these props on this hull.

    Posts: 101

    Ed, see if there is information which helps. We obviously have different motors (I have an offshore and you have an SHO) and Yamahas are extremely sensitive to elevation IMO so take what I posted with a grain of salt. If you try the LT, please post and let us know what you conclude.

    Side note: Took my boat to DL last year and ran a friend’s 21p Trophy Plus and I hit 58+ at 5.9k rpms. Boat handled very well in rough water too with this prop.

    Charlie Brandt
    Posts: 1

    Hi Ed, we’ve been rigging this setup lately with 19″ Saltwater II, motor on 3rd hole and NO jack plate. Zero tendency to porpoise, phenomenal hole shot and 6000RPM/ upper 50’s top end.

    Back to porpoise issue- our demo boat is rigged with 2 Talons, sandwich brackets and hardware, meaning lots of weight on the back. Still zero driving issues.

    I’m not anti-jack plate, but if it’s intended for speed I don’t think this boat needs it. Is the jack plate used for rough water situations (adjusting engine height on the fly)? Instead of the jack plate, I urge you to consider trim tabs. They change the way this boat drives in rough water and much more adjustability than a hydraulic plate. They’re easy to learn and just might solve all of your problems in one fell swoop!

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Socoey, thanks for the info on the FS. It looks as if I have to buy without trying, I would probably go with a 20.5″ instead of a 21″. I realize you are at higher elevation, but I would like to end up with more than 5800rpm. Charlie, a 19′ Yamaha SWP at 6000rpm will not put a 2040 with tiller, in the upper 50’s. 19′ SWP @ 6100+rpm is 57mph, and that’s just reality. And yes on the transom, or jackplate at the right height, it will not porpoise in smooth to mild choppy water, but in waters like Green Bay, and Lake Michigan it will if not porpoise, exaggerate the cycling of the bow rise and fall. Also the Yamaha props that I tried, 19-21″ will not accept any raising of the engine without breaking loose at high rpm and loosing performance. My dealer has been fantastic, done everything I have asked, and really put time in with changing out props, adjusting engine heights on the jack plate to give me a more appropriate range, but only handles Yamaha and Turbo props, and I am not a fan of turbo. AS to trim tabs, I actually have discussed that option with my dealer, but that would be my last resort, as it would help with low to mid range but not higher speed. Just for your information, I have run adjustable trim tabs on one of my last boats for over 5 years, so I am very well versed on their capabilities and benefits, and also drawbacks. While they would help, they are not the cure all for Yamaha props. I did not go with a jackplate for top speed, but for all the other benefits they provide, The tabs are a good suggestion and I may end up adding them even if I get a prop that I like, but hope to make it work without them though. Thank you all for your help, the boat really works well now, but I guess I am just fussy, and because I have a very long boating experience, know what I hope to accomplish, and was hoping to hear from someone else that has tried either or both of these props.

    Posts: 265

    Sorry for the delay in response to message have not been on in awhile. I do have the 20FS and like it at 3636 elv. Good hole shot with heavy boat and 2 people w/ 85# dog. A little slower with full livewell. Top end at 3600 57+__ I use a 23 tempest plus 3 blade at 565 in AR and KY man does the 300 wake up at lower elevations. Can get 60 -61 on the gps easily I am looking to pick up my friends 25 and try it next time I am done there I not sure I will get the hole shot maybe it needs to be a 24 pitch. At 6000 elva I use a solos 19 4 blade. Works good with 2 but with 4 somebody needs to jump out and swim alongside like sockeye I want to try the trophy but already SS prop poor The boat came with the Yam pro series 21. Great hole shot but Seams small and it seams to slip lose lock up at higher Rpm and corners good luck. Boat 13 2025 with kicker. Had the boat in AR last year and only had the FS 20. Great hole shot but terrible on top end. 23 temp outperformed 20FS

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    mann4ducks, Those are some impressive #’s with the 23″ tempest, it’s a lot of prop. Not sure I would like my takeoff with that much prop, as I wasn’t impressed with the 21″ Yamaha that I originally had. While the 21″ didn’t take off all that bad, the 20″ was so much better. You do have a 300 though, and I have the 250 SHO, not sure how much real power difference there is, I am assuming maybe 15 to 25hp or so. I am not really looking for a better top end as I would be happy with the 59mph that I get now, but more looking for a better overall handling prop. Probably will try a 20.5″LT instead of a 21″ as I would be willing to give up 1 mph for better rough water lower speed handling. I did also consider the trophy plus, as there are many good reports on this prop, but Mercury advised against it, thinking the Bravo’s would hold better, and allow a little higher engine heights in rough water. If you don’t mind, what was your rpm’s and speed with the FS, and also at what elevation?

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Prop update. Finally got word that my prop came in. Two months on back order. Decided to try a 20.5″ Bravo LT first, hope it’s close, and hope I can get a chance to try on some big water before the end of the year. Won’t get it for a bit, and won’t get to try it for a couple of weeks at least, as I won’t be home for a while. If all else fails, I have a lake that I can try it on yet this year, but won’t have the conditions of Lake Michigan. I’ll report back when I know how it works.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Received the prop today, but can not get it to fit with the hub kit supplied. The hub kit is for the Yamaho SHO 200-250 HP. Even leaving the supplied thrust washer totally off, the prop only clears the torque tab by apx 1/8 th inch. Would like to test it tomorrow, before I go away. Anyone have any ideas?

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Props on, they said to just use the parts in the kit only. Mercs instruction sheet said to also use the existing thrust washer, that didn’t work. Hope to get it out tomorrow, we’ll see how the weather goes.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Got in a limited try out today. Fantastic prop for the most part. water was rough, 3 footers, when I first got out on Sturgeon bay, while the bays were substantially less. The boat handles totally different. runs much more flat in the waves, and prop has taken away most all the tendency for it to rise and fall like it used to have in the swells and waves. Later in the day I
    found some reasonably calm water that I could wring it out a bit. Results were very promising. On one stretch where I had enough room, I saw 59.6 mph, at 6100 RPM. This was fully trimmed up, full tank of fuel, and full livewell, as I got lucky and got a fish right after launching. Take off was some what better than the 19″ Saltwater prop that I had tried, and better yet than the 20″ Saltwater prop that I have been running. This was with the solid plugs. Engine height ended up about 1″ higher than the Yamaha props, or 2 3/4″ for the Mercury vs 1 3/4″ for the Yamaha. At 3 3/4″, prop broke loose in a hard turn. I was really hoping to be able to run it a little higher, but in my limited testing, 1″ higher was all I could manage today. If I were to do it over, I probably go with a 21″, but in all fairness, this prop was fantastic. Better handling, 3 mph lower planing speed, better top end, instant take off, and a much faster climb to top speed. This prop is a keeper.

    Posts: 101

    Those look like good results. Thanks for posting your setup and conclusions! Well, maybe I shouldn’t be thanking you…my budget might be affected…

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Yes, I’m really impressed. Second guessing, I wish I had went with a 21″, but that is really splitting hairs, as we are only talking 1/2 ” of a pitch change. I just was really worried about over propping it, as I had read about some people’s results with the LT props, and much lower rpm’s, and I did not want that. This prop was a perfect match for my boat combination, and really woke it up. Keep in mind, that I went with a 6″ plate, instead of the factory 8″. At least this will give some comparison #s vs the yamaha and mercy props. In all fairness, the 20″ yamaha prop was quite good, but not as good in some traits as I was hoping to achive.

    Posts: 265

    What was the final prop suggestion at what elevation. I tried a 19-4 solos SS at 3625 end of sept. Great hole shot with 4 adults and 2 dogs great response on throttle gained however 300 rpm over my bravo 20 and lost 4-5 mph. But worked well in waves seamed to keep the bow down and not break on corners.
    Give me a call when you get a chance heading to AR over thanksgiving and was wondering about your dads buddy on the eye lake south of where I will be. I am going to hit BSh but my info is the eyes are deep in the trees at that time of year. Talk to you later

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Elevation, I’m not really sure, but I think around 1100 ft. I’m thinking, loaded down, with the wife and dog, and summer temps, I should be right about 6000 rpm with this 20.5″ prop. Would really like to try a 21″ sometime, but till then, I am very happy with this prop.

    Bill swartwout
    Posts: 1

    I have a 2014 mx2025 300 offshore with 8″ atlas jack plate. Ran the stock salt water2 21p at 5800-5900 rpm at 59.5-61 mph. Ran rev 4 21p at 5900 rpm at 60-61mph, bravo 1 fs 23p custom 5900rpm at 60.5-62 and turbo TXP 21p custom at 5600-5700 at 62-63. Hit 64.5 in spring cold water with good tail wind and out of control haha. Elevation around 1800feet.

    Posts: 101

    Impressive results Bill. How was your hole shot with the 23 Bravo FS? I assume okay given you have a jack plate.

    Adding to this conversation, I purchased a 20 Bravo LT. Handling and ride is amazing with this prop. However, my hole shot diminished and I lost too many RPMs. At this elevation (over a mile high) I’m over propped and will have this prop worked to provide better hole shot and increase RPMs. Running 53 at 5700 RPM. Starting with a 19 would have probably been better.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    It’s amazing how much altitude has an affect on the performance of these engines. With my 20.5″ LT, my hole shot was instantaneous, and rpm’s were 6100+. This was at apx 1000′ elv. In all fairness though, your 20″ is the same prop as mine, only with less cupping, as the only difference between the 20″ through the 21.5″ is just increased cupping. I did get a 21″ LT, but haven’t had a chance to try it yet, as I have been using my other boat so far this year. Hope to get my 2040 out this Friday, but probably wont know much as my wife and dog are not too fond of going full speed.

    Posts: 101

    I had my 20 LT re-pitched to a 19 since I had to have this prop repaired, unfortunately…whole different story. However, my hole shot improved and went to 5750 on RPM and top end of 54.5, again this is at almost 6,000 feet of elevation. I did run this prop at just under 2,000 feet of elevation and my top end was 5800 rpm (surprised it wasn’t more) but speed went to 57.5 and hole shot was extremely good. I was able to run at moderate speeds in chop and the handling and ride were the best I’ve experienced with any prop. Once we get to cooler weather and water I’ll report any differences I’m observing. It was downright hot (water and air) when I was getting these numbers.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Results seem to be all over the place on these LT props. Even people with the same boat and prop have performance figures that vary wildly. I didn’t post results on my testing with the 21″ LT prop because Mercury replaced it with another new one, after my initial test. After trying my first 21″ LT I was down 300 rpm (5800) and 2 mph (58), from my 20.5″. Also lost all of my holeshot and midrange acceleration that my 20.5″ had. I was able to get it to 6000 rpm, and 60 mph, but had to raise the engine 1 1/2″ over the 20.5″ prop height. Called Mercury and they said to send it in to be checked out, as I should have only lost 75-100 rpm. Ended up dropping it off as I was going right past them the next morning. They called me the next morning to say they were sending me a new prop, as that one checked out off pitch. Great service on their part. I have the new one, but haven’t had a chance to try it yet. I’ll wait for it to cool down. I did hear from another MX 2040 owner that bought a 21″ LT due to my review and had worse results than my first 21″. He actually was down more rpm than I was. From what I understand, he was 700 rpm under my 20.5″. I understand it’s warm now, but something doesn’t seem right with the 21″ LT’s. I am really interested in seeing how my new 21″ works, but will just wait till the fall, and cooler water.

    Posts: 101

    Interesting results for sure. I would think given the cost of these props that one wouldn’t even make it out the door which was off pitch. When my 20 was re-pitched to a 19 apparently it wasn’t even really a 20-that one was off as well. Kudos to them for making it right. Yes, results seem all over the place. Is it possible your 20.5 is an exceptional prop (to good)? It is possible all our loads are different??? I have a kicker and two batteries in the back with three in the floor.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Yes, after seeing all these different results, I too now think I may have just gotten the perfect prop in my 20.5″ LT. It really is a fantastic prop, not only in handling, overall performance, but it feels as though the engine just gained 50 HP, with it. Hopefully I never have to have it reworked. Will know more once I try the new 21. I will say that the Yamaha props were at least, consistent in pitch, on the three that I tried. I really think it has something to do with these Bravo props actually only having a pitch change every 2″, and everything in between is all done with cupping. Could be wrong, but I think there is some room for inconsistency there. I know that they originally mentioned that they might just take out some of the cupping of my first 21, to get it to work, but after checking it, they decided to just give me a new one. When looking at the two props, they looked identical, there was no visible extra cupping.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Just noticed, in your last post, you mentioned you are carrying 5 batteries, to my 4. There is some of the difference. I also, have a kicker, but have reduced the setback on the engine, and kicker, to 6″, instead of the factory 8″. May have given up one mile an hour because of this, but feel it makes a much better balanced package overall. Keep in mind that Skeeters are made in Texas, and with their large setbacks as supplied, might not necessarily be the best overall combination for waters that some of us fish, such as the great lakes.

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