Brassicas – Hope I'm not too late.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    After 4 straight weekends when I couldn’t visit the property, I finally went up twice this past weekend. I hope I’m not too late to the party, but this was the best I could do this year. I couldn’t stop myself, ideally I would have been planting the brassicas 2-3 weeks ago, but sometimes you gotta do the best you can do.

    According to (which is AWESOME, BTW, for keeping track of your property, what you plant, the weather, etc), I got over 5 inches of rain last week on Wednesday. And oh boy did the situation on the ground match that estimate! My little 4 foot wide creek had a roaring Class 3 rapids section! I tried to get a picture, but the river was flowing out of its banks and I couldn’t get close. My plots were damp as far down as I could see–at least 12 inches–the soil was soft and wet, so we certainly got replenished with that rain.

    But the whole point of my visits was to see if I could do a full court press, pick more rock on one of my new plots, and get my brassicas blend in the ground. I put together a custom blend of forage radish, rapeseed, and turnips and unlike all the commercial blends out there, I did not add grass seed or other “green-up” filler. I wanted to see how the deer would respond to pure brassicas.

    Luckily, a neighbor joined me, so I had some help. We started picking rock because everything on my property starts with picking rock these days. I should have seen it coming as the name of the neighboring cattle ranch is the Rocky C. No, I’m not joking. All the signs were there that rock would be an issue.

    Unfortunately, I could NOT use my new toy. I picked up a 1965 John Deere 2010 on Friday and the key feature, the loader, would have been awesome, but I tried to drive it in my rain soaked plot and got about 10 feet in before the front wheels sunk out of sight. Luckily, the back tires were still on compacted ground when I slammed on the clutch and brakes, and I was able to back out and put the tractor away before I got it stuck and created another problem. Yes, yes, I know. I should upgrade to a a Steiger with dualies…

    So we went old school and hooked up the rock trailer to the ATV. It took us 4 hours, but we picked rock on a strip down the middle of the plot about 25 feet wide and 200 feet long. We would have kept going, but it started to sprinkle, so I hooked up the disc to the ATV and started disc work before things got to wet to pull the disc.

    Then I did a couple of passes over with the Drag Queen (my 8 foot wide field drag) to level things out. At this point I was stunned by my good fortune as the rain had actually quit before it got things too muddy. We were still working like a NASCAR pit crew and we hooked up the seeder and it was go-go-go.

    I’ll confirm here that yes, it does freak me out when planting brassicas because they are spread soooooooo thin! I’ve been constantly warned by experienced plotters not to overseed because these plants have big leaf mass and need room to grow or they won’t get large turnips and radish below ground if they’re over-crowded. It is very hard to resist and follow this advice, but I managed to stick to the program as last year all I got was small radish and tiny turnips and I didn’t feel the deer really figured out what they were. Size matters! That’s my theory, anyway.

    We’ll see how things look in a week or two. Here’s hoping for fast germination and a late frost so I can get lucky and catch up. It would be really fun to see what the deer do to some decent sized turnips.

    Who’s up for a rock picking party at the Grouse’s property? I’ll supply the beer, burgers, etc? How about it guys? Guys??? Anybody there???


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    You are about a month behind me Grouse, but I still think you will be in good shape for getting decent bulbs this year. I have planted as late as Sept 3rd and got ok to small bulbs and you are a good 3 weeks ahead of that.

    I’d love to come and help pick rocks, but, oh wait, that is a big fat lie! I am fortunate to not have much of a rock issue at our farm, but we do have to pick some and I hate that crap.

    You have worked awful darn hard on on your plots the last 2 years. I sure hope they pan out for you. Nice to have decent rain in August, your plot should take off nicely. Keep us posted on their progress.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    Sticker, I’m surprised I even got one reply after putting out the “offer” to come and pick rocks.

    I figured I was well behind the game, but there’s the theory on when to plant, and then there’s the reality of having a new property where it’s not just plug and play (or plough and plant).

    I was hoping to have more done on the new plots, but as happens with all of us, weather, work, and willingness of spousal unit all had things to say about what got done. As it stands now, I will have 50% of the south plot cleared of rock and either planted or plantable immediately the next spring. My new goal is to have 100% of the south plot either planted or cleared and ready to plant by the end of 2016.

    I really want to get a good soybean strip going in one of the plots, but I think that may be a 2-3 years from now goal, probably for my north plot.

    Hopefully I get some good germination and quick early-growth on the brassicas plot. Last year it was difficult to judge results because the Buck On Bag pre-mix I used had other seeds in it so the plot was kept mowed like a putting green the entire fall. The brassicas blend is in a strip in my plot next to my 5 clover blend (with oats as a nurse), so hopefully the deer will eat clover and oats and leave the brassicas alone to set bulbs.

    I can’t go up again this next weekend, so will have to check plots the following weekend and see how we’re doing.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I totally get the time restraint thing, it happens to all of us. I have been at it long enough that the spousal unit has given up trying to stop me. She doesn’t like it when I pout all weekend when she won’t let me go whistling

    Like I said, you aren’t that far behind and certainly not enough to affect the outcome of the plots. Get some pics next time up to show how the germination went.

    And I just found out I am available to go pick rock this weekend…but if you can’t make it, it will have to wait rotflol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    Well some timely rain got the brassicas going eithin a few days. Here’s some pics 1 week after planting.


    1. 20150816_182036.jpg

    2. 20150816_181930.jpg

    3. 20150816_181935.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Wow, looks like you got great germination! Very nice!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We planted the first weekend of August. These pics were taken on 8/15. Everything up there was looking great last weekend.

    1. 20150819-001Hansen.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    Kooty, I think I got mine planted the same weekend. August 8, I believe.

    I need to fertilize this weekend to give them a boost and maximize growth while we have warm weather. I got almost an inch of rain today according to Farmlogs, so the moisture has been helping my case. Now next week when we get some heat back, hopefully things will really spring up.

    I hope I can get well into September before an frost to get the more turnip and radish size. I wish I could have planted 3 weeks earlier, but it wasn’t in the cards this year.

    I’ll be interested to see how Deertracker’s radish/rapeseed/peas blend turns out. He had his in around July 4, so he should have some awesome radish size unless the deer kept the plot mowed down to the ground all summer.


    Posts: 9285

    I wish I could see it ass well. Lol. My buddy is very busy between working a full time job and helping on the farm so he hasn’t gotten me picks yet. I’m also waiting for him to mail me my cam card. We have lots of other ag food around so hopefully that is taking some of the pressure off. I wish I could get up to fertilize.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Todd is going up this weekend so I should have an update early next week. That will be officially 29 days in the dirt. I’m excited to see what the growth is like even though it’s been chilly the last 7 days. With our deer numbers down so low, this will hopefully help the plots also. We certainly haven’t been shorted on moisture.

    According to Farmlogs, we are 4.9 inches since August 1. I’m still not sure how accurate their system is.

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