Brassica Seed Mix

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I have had my best luck with Evolved habitat shot plot. I have tried a few, but like the shot plot the best.

    The one you are looking at doesn’t say what is actually in the brassica, is it rape, turnips or a combination? Hard to say if it’s a good mix without knowing what it is. Brassica is a very general term.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    I don’t buy the Prepackaged stuff any more…too expensive for me.
    I buy my seed from the bulk seed stores and can save a bundle.

    I use all of the following: Purple Top Turnips, Forage Radish, Rape, Kale, Austrian Winter Peas and Winter Rye (not rye grass!).
    I find the kale/rape/peas being hammered in Sept/Oct after being planted mid July. It’s about 18″ high for bow opener and by the end of Nov. they have it chewed down to ground level.
    The turnips/radish don’t get hit much until it freezes…hard. The much prefer them under the snow even. Guessing that’s when they turn sweet.
    The rye stays green longer too, even under the snow. If I had more room, I’d plant more but I don’t.
    My planting day is tomorrow. Just got a shot of rain today…perfect!

    Posts: 9319

    Here is an example for seed cost. You can buy Biologic winter peas for $15 for a 10 pound bag. At my local seed store I just bought some for .74/pound. I can also get winter rye for .40/pound.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    Just thought I’d throw this in here. Too bad he’s only got one and that one looks like it might be purdy nice! Guessing he hurt the other side early this spring…

    1. MFDC0093.jpg

    Posts: 35

    I have had really good results with Frigid Forage-Big-N-Beasty.

    Posts: 9319

    I have the big bag of B and B but am saving it for next year when I have time to lime and spray. I can’t wait though.

    Posts: 9319

    So what did you end up planting and why don’t we have pics. -)

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    Ended up planting the brassi buck mix this past weekend in two plots. Hopefully the deer don’t eat it all before it matures.
    I tracked down a local farmer to help me bust up the sod as my ATV was not big enough and it had not been plowed in at least 5 years.

    1st pic-farmer tilling up the sod(i sprayed with GLY back in early July)
    2nd pic-after I dragged the soil, seeded, and dragged the seed into the soil
    3rd pic-my attempt using the atv on a new food plot
    4th pic-same plot, just looking the other direction
    My phone died before I could get pictures of the farmer tilling it up with real equipment.

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    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    Picture attached is what the 1st plot looked like last year(looking towards the direction I took the pictures from this past weekend).

    1. 20131011_104853_resized.jpg

    Fred Scott
    Posts: 34

    I am a big fan of Biologic and that is the only seed I will plant for wildlife food plots. I have planted a different seed mix called Hot Spot this season. It is a fall seed mix that comes in 5 lb bags to cover a 20 yard by 20 yard plot. A great hunting size plot. I haven’t used this seed mix before, but I trust Biologic. I use Biologic PH fertilizer and Seed Coat for all of the plantings to give it the best chance possible. In the infancy of my outfitter company, I had a very small budget for food plot work so that is what I bought farm grade seed. As an experiment on the second season I bought farm grade peas, and Biologic peas. I planted them both in the same two acre plot, farm grade on one side, Biologic on the other. When the plot matured, the Biologic did better by leaps and bounds. The deer would walk through the farm grade on camera to get to the Biologic seed side. I was sold. Yes, deer did eat in the farm grade side, but for the most part they preferred the Biologic side much more. Spending more money on something usually means you get a better product, in this case it was definitely true. I say, spend what you can within your budget because something fresh and growing is better than an overgrown field with little to no feed. I spend the extra money for the science that went into engineering the seed that I buy. To each their own. Good luck to everyone this fall!

    Posts: 67

    I see its been said already here but it can’t be said enough. Get your seed at your local feed mill. I go to EJ Houle in Forest Lake and you can buy pretty much whatever you need and usually save about 50% of what you would spend for big name seed blends. Its the same if not better. I tell my neighbor this every year and for whatever reason he doesn’t listen. Also get your fertilizer from the feed mill. These are local business owners that I would rather support anyways.

    I’ll stop preaching now ;-)

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