First ice fishing adventure of the season

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I made it out yesterday afternoon for my first ice fishing trip of the saeason. I was with a couple of friends and we had an ok day. We were hoping to get into a walleye or two or some of the 12+ inch crappies. We caught a handfull of decent crappies and caught a bunch of channel cats. It was crazy how thick the cats were in a few spots we tried. We had a camera down for a while and you could watch cats swim by non-stop. The largest cat of the day was around 3 pounds and the rest were anywhere from 10 to 18 inches. I tried several different baits throughout the day but the best was a 1/16 oz. Go-Devil in firetiger. This caught all of my crappies and 90% of my cats for the day.

    Ice conditions were decent. There was 6-8 inches of ice but please use CAUTION if you make it out. There is plenty of water flowing through the lake and springs are also flowing. While walking near the dam I almost walked into a 2 foot hole that appeared to from a spring. I’ve seen some really bad areas by the dam in years past so just be careful. With the warm weather forcasted for the next several days be very careful on any ice you venture onto in the area.

    I’m hoping to make it out again later this week. I still have a few deer tags I would really like to fill. I love this deer hunting but it sure has cut into my fishing time.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Good stuff, Ben. I haven’t caught a fish in months, so I’m really gettin the itch. And you’re not helping.

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