With all this rain we had . Could not get a seed in the ground. Boys took me over to Branched oak. Wow! What fun that was . Trolling rapala’s in front of dam and on the shallow flats,and major points. 6 to 13 foot deep. Crappie to 16 inches walleye from 17 to 30 inches even got two flat head cats. Kept the crappie put everything else back. Just goes to show catch and release does work. Did see a little tiller Lund keep more than they should of on Sunday . Saw one boat using live bait. talked to them . They said they could not keep the perch off long enough to get a nice fish. Saw some guys casting and trolling plastic minnows or shad type baits like sassy or Berkley gulp. . They were doing good to . . But rapala’s tail dancers were doing great for us.

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