
  • layne-monroe
    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Giant flatheads have been and still are on the tear at B.O. for the past couple of weeks….. The only problem is all my pics are way to big to post on this forum…. can anyone help me size them down or post them for me?

    Layne Monroe

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    There are several programs available to help resize your photos. Most digital cameras come with something. There are also several free downloads, however, paint will usually work, just click on image, then attributes, and try to set longest side to a max of 450 pixels, and then ok. It may take a bit of trial and error, but as long as the original is saved, you won’t hurt anything.


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Mozilla FireFox is what I use to resize and it is really easy

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Email them to me Layne! Next week when I finally have some time I’ll come over and show you how to do it.

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Sounds good man… I will have to send them to ya. What is your email you want me to send them too? You need to stop by and show me how to do it on my own from now on out.

    Layne Monroe

    Sounds like you had a good Minnesota trip!

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    Well come on layne where are the pics man? I haven’t been able to get out and do any fishing for TOO LONG i have to live vicariously through the board!!

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Here is a couple that I had Ben resize for me to fit on the forum…. Have quite a few more but did not want him to spend all night resizing them and sending them to me.

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    And another….

    Layne Monroe

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